Just bought D3, are you kidding me?

D3 as it currently exists is not meant to be played at one difficulty level like many other games are. It’s not “find the difficulty level that suits your ability and stick with it.”

You’re supposed to advance in difficulty as you progress depending on what gear you find. A single legendary item drop, depending on the item, can increase your power to the point where you can easily jack up the difficulty 3 or more levels and keep on playing.

The purpose of the game is to eventually play it at the highest difficulty, Torment XVI, and then see just how high of a Greater Rift you can handle in either solo or group play.

This is not just for your first play through. Those of us who play it regularly do this 3 or 4 times a year in Seasonal play when we start at level 1 all over again with an empty stash as if we were brand new to the game.

You only get to say that the game is too easy after you play at Torment XVI in Hardcore permadeath mode :slight_smile:

I think you meant to say do lvl 75+ Grift Hardcore Solo.


I’m at 60 and don’t seem to be able to level up anymore, any idea what I might be doing wrong?

You need to buy the ROS expansion and add it to your account. A great experience awaits you.

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you do know d3 is a grindinggame:-)?

Welcome to hell!

a) did i bought some unintentional boosts so i cut through the game like heated katana through butter?

No. the single player campaign sucks. pure and simple. This is one of the problems with D3 in that the single player campaign is too easy.

There is end game content, but progression is patchy. its split into 3 bits - adventure mode, Nephelim rifts and Greater Rifts. Since you cant get the items you need to progress in the solo campaign, the endgame grind is where you will spend most of your time. there will come a point where you need to stop playing solo and are forced to play multiplayer, but multiplayer is just running around after the person who is the strongest out of the players in the game and hoping you don’t get stomped by elemental or arcane damage until you find the items you need to progress

Difficulty levels in D3 are meaningless until you get into Torment levels at which point they scale up faster than you do, so by the time you hit Torment 7 or 8 you will be taking on more of a challenge, but wont have the items to progress (see above)

b) is RoS as easy as vanilla game?

Yes. its got a bit of a better story, but the enemies are a bit more annoying as they have after effects on death.

c) was it always like that or they screwed the game during patches and seasons and never cared to repair it?

This is a much debated point. D3 promised much but didnt deliver on that promise. It has its fans, but comparatively speaking, the community is pretty fractured between people who prefer D2 and those who dont like D2.
D3 tried to be more WoW like in the way it introduced seasons and major patch revisions opening new areas, but ultimately, it doesnt have the long term appeal (at least not to me it doesnt! 0 I am a returning player from before Season 1 just because of the D4 announcement. i have been playing D2 since season 5)

d) i assume the campaing is same for every characters so apart from different kind of grinding there is no reason to start another character

you can, and you dont have to play through the campaign! there is adventure mode that will level you just as fast. When you start playing seasonal characters, you will create different character classes as the builds for the new season are usually developed on the PTR (Public Test Realm) where patches are playtested by the community, so new viable builds for greater rift runs are developed and then blizzard will nerf or buff the builds to make them a bit more playable before the patch gets a proper release.

e) i’ve spent 30€ on the game and i assume am gonna finish it tommorow, what should i do next in the game?

  • Adventure mode to build up lots of crafting materials
  • Nephelim rifts for grinding items
  • Greater Rifts to be able to up your difficulty level.
  • Rifts are where you grind for gear. they are 3-4 level dungeons filled with lots of monsters and a rift guardian. killing unique monsters (they glow yellow or blue) will drop a few pickup orbs that add to a bar shown on the right of the screen. full the bar and the guardian appears. kill him and the rift is complete, but a word of advice… if youre doing a Nephelim rift, dont just end the game when you kill the rift guardian, finish the level off as much as you can as you will gain more legendary items that way, especially early on.
  • Greater rifts allow you to gain Gems with powerful end game effects that can be upgraded. you can only upgrade the gems in a greater rift
  • Post level 70 you earn Paragon levels. these give you bonuses to your damage and abilities.
  • Play until bored.

luckily season 19 is starting next week, so it will be a level playing field for a few months, but until D4 comes out, these issues are going to be the reason you stick with it or drop it in favour of something else.

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D3 is a shit game btw, if you think it’s hard it’s not. Multiplying enemy monsters life is not adding difficulty, it’s just annoying to hit bullet sponges.

Alright, let’s be serious: the game is a mess. ‘You are supposed to switch to higher difficulty levels as you progress’ is bollocks because all other games do it ‘automatically’; that’s essentially the appeal of all other role-playing games – to become better and get better gear, in order to be able to defeat tougher enemies; by the way, that’s how all other games always worked. Diablo III is the first game where I see this shit. Also, from what I see it wasn’t this way at launch. And the fact that people tell me the game ‘starts after 70’ is absolutely ridiculous because you have to buy the expansion to even be able to get past 60. So basically you’re telling me that I spent a lot of money – yes, for a person from my country the price on this game, without expansions, is pretty damn high – on nothing, and that seems to be Blizzard’s position as well.

RoS is the game nowadays, nobody cares about vanilla anymore.
And 30€ for the full game incl. RoS is really nothing.

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Good luck earning those 30€ in my country.
Anyway, ‘nobody cares about vanilla anymore’ isn’t the way it works; ‘vanilla’ is advertised as the product and Reaper of Souls as an expansion to said product; I paid for the product and it didn’t deliver what it promised it would. A 23-year-old Diablo disc from a charity shop offers a more engaging experience than Diablo III on Battle-net at this point.

You can still play the basic Diablo 3 all that you want. The ROS expansion is on sale for 9.99 Euro at this very moment. So please behave yourself and have a very Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:

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Not sure about vanilla D3 as haven’t played it since RoS came out, but if you have access to adventure mode / bounties / rifts and greater rifts, you have access to most of the endgame content everyone is talking about. The only thing about level 70 is it’s the new level limit in RoS.

Act V, the Crusader class, Adventure Mode (Rifts, Bounties and Greater Rifts) are restricted to Reaper of Souls, i.e. without RoS, you only have Campaign Mode and Acts 1-4.

ouch… that’s a lot of content.
… are the only things you can do acheivements and boss farms?

C) The game use to be tough as nails on inferno mode. It took me about a month or 2 to gear up and beat it.

The gear was super bland but the skill builds were really fun still. They eventually fixed the items to be more legendary centered. When the expansion came out they made some major changes that were mostly bad but 1 good. The only good one was that they got rid of the real money auction house “pay to win”. But they basically banned trading altogether unless you’re in the party at the time of the drop. The other change was that they added like 17 different difficulties of game play and all of them are super easy once you collect a set. Then they added greater rifts as an option to play right when you start the game if you’ve beaten the game. Even if it’s a new ladder season you can still go straight into greater rifts. The bulk of end game item farm and xp leveling comes from greater rifts. These randomly generated maps created a really unmemorable experience for me where the world of lore they made was completely unplayed 95% of the time. Overall the game has gotten worse for even more reasons. But I won’t go into it.

Pre-ROS we had forty difficulty levels, i.e. Normal, Hell, Nightmare and Inferno, all of which could be set at Monster Power 1-10.

You cannot run GRs until your hero is level 70.

I apologize I meant “rifts” not “Greater Rifts.” The lesser one. My point still stands that the main story maps are pretty worthless except for bounties. I really wish they made specific drops on every boss and in each act in general so we had to target farm areas for gear. At least a little bit.

As far as the monster power level 1-10 I believe I quit playing vanilla before they released that. So I’m just talking about the experience prior to that.