This is my first post here, and I just want to say I’m really disappointment in the community kicking people out of the game without any reason. I understand that sometimes there are jerks out there who just sit and wait while others do the work, but most of the time its simply a message “…” (three dots) suggesting to kick some other player out of the game without any specific reason. Actually, most of the time I noticed it was in GR because the player was too low in paragon levels and was immediately voted out of the game! Its like cool kids having their own party and kicking out everyone else?!
If you are a “cool kid” go and create a clan with other cool kids and play with each other. You have no right to misuse the kick option just because the other player is not to your licking by the number of paragon levels! Blizzard should put a stop to this! Nobody paid for this game to be bullied!
I share your upset. In bounties and normal rifts, I would never kick someone out, as we’re all at different stages and we all need materials and bounties. i usually start a bounty then open it. That give you the lead, so to speak. If someone enters with low paragons and a notice pops up asking to kick them for that reason, then I instantly refuse to vote yes. If they’re just loitering in town for several minutes without playing, they are likely to be a leech or a bot just waiting for everyone to do bounties that they exploit. - a candidate for being asked to leave.
However, with high end GRs - thats mostly players looking for the optimum group, and if they kick, it’s likely that the one being kicked just doesn’t meet the criteria - everyone loses from an outlier.
It’s not misuse. You don’t have any right to remain in a group that doesn’t want you to be part of it. The reasons they want you removed could be valid, debatable or complete nonsense but the fact remains, why would you want to stay in a group that doesn’t want you there? If there was no kick option those three players would just leave you in a game on your own, group up with each other again and look for a different 4th player.
–==[ EDIT ]==–
I looked at your Barbarian - Barbie - and if you want some constructive criticism, I can give some advice about why you’re being removed.
Helm. Should have a diamond in it for CDR to maintain 100% up-time on Wrath of the Berserker.
Shoulders. Do not have 15% Rend, Area Damage or CDR.
Chest. Does not have 15% Rend damage.
Belt. Low value on the Rend bonus. (100-150%, you want at least 145%)
Bracers. Should be using Mortick’s for all runes on Wrath of the Berserker. STR / VIT / 20% Physical / 6% CHC.
Weapons. You don’t have any AD or CDR on them.
Rings. You should have CoE (equipped), BoM (equipped), ORotZ (Cubed)
Amulet. Hellfire or Squirt’s when solo, Flavor of Time when in groups. CHC, CHD and 20% Physical.
Skills. Almost all of the damage from the WW/Rend build now comes from Rend rather than WW and yet you don’t even have Rend on your abilities bar. This means that Ambo’s Pride is auto-applying unruned Rends, rather than Rend / Bloodbath (which is physical, and why you want 20% Physical on bracers and amulet). If you stick with BK mighty weapons it’s okay to keep WW/Blood Funnel for the healing, but you should swap Battle Rage from Swords to Ploughshares to Into The Fray (for lots more crits in density).
In short, you’re probably being kicked because your gearing / skill choices are bad.
I didn’t know that besides paying for the game I also need to satisfy yours or anyone else’s quality criteria (gear/skills) to be able to play it. Like I already said, create a clan where you would accept only the people that meet your criteria and play with them, or when in general public you are the one who should leave if you don’t like the group or individuals in it.
If you want to play solo, it’s completely up to you how you play it.
If you want to play in a group, it’s up to the whole group to decide how to play together.
When people are in public groups, they’ll often inspect the other players that have joined to see what build they’re in and what their gear is like and, sometimes, to see if they provide synergy to the group. Anyone inspecting your Barb that has a modicum of knowledge about the WW/Rend build would immediately spot things that are wrong with it…
You don’t have Rend / Bloodbath in your abilities which means only unruned Rends will be applied by Ambo’s Pride and that you cannot manually cast Rend. Rends applied by Ambo’s Pride do not benefit from Area Damage, but Rends manually cast do. This means that if you manually cast Rend in high density, especially during the Physical cycle of CoE, you’ll do massively more damage than just spinning through mob packs.
You don’t have anywhere near enough CDR to maintain 100% up-time on Wrath of the Berserker, which is the Barbarian’s single most damage-increasing ability. Mortick’s bracers, which grant all runes to WotB, also provides a lot of damage mitigation / healing so, by not having WotB up at all times, and not having all the runes for it, your Barb’s going to die more often or at lower GR levels than otherwise would be the case.
Lack of +Rend and +Physical affixes on gear. 15% Rend on chest and shoulders is a 1.3 times damage multiplier. 20% Physical on bracers and amulet is a 1.4 times damage multiplier. 1.3 * 1.4 = 1.82 times damage multiplier. That’s an 82% damage increase.
Your jewellery. Lack of CoE means you’re missing a massive damage-increasing item. Lack of ORotZ means you’re missing out on huge amounts of CDR, which is needed for 100% up-time on WotB. Amulet choice in groups should be a Flavor of Time for the doubling of pylon buff duration.
This is why you’re being removed from groups. It’s up to you whether you want to fix it or not but, if not, you’ll continue to find yourself being removed from groups for these reasons. Some of the things I’ve suggested you could fix right now, i.e. change of abilities / runes, and re-rolling a couple of affixes at the Mystic. Why not try that and see what a difference it makes in a solo game. Then work on getting the rings / amulet. You’ll see a marked improvement to the power of your Barb. You might find this useful…
It may come out as callous and inconsiderate, but Meteor is right. There is nothing more annoying than joining a pub bounty game, going to your act and finish it, and as you’re about to clear the leftovers in act V, you notice that one guy is still struggling with his first quest for 10 minutes because he is just undergeared, underfarmed or just clueless about where to go or what to do. Or the guy who fails to kill a boss 4-5 times in a row so now everyone is stuck in front of a boss room. I am not saying you did something intentional but there are unwritten rules in pubs that unfortunately, no one takes the time to explain to you in-game, and you just learn them with time. Be fast, be efficient, always stick to the objective and take the time to get familiar with a good build that clears bounties fast. It’s simple enough. But most importantly be considerate of other people’s time. I was talking specifically about bounty pubs, but GRs have a similar logic. You must be able to contribute to the team, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you must do damage, you can play as a support providing boosts and buffs. In an oversimplified example, imagine you see 10 dudes playing football and they are looking for a center back and you go to them and say “Hey guys, I am playing as a striker”. Well, you either won’t be playing with them or you’ll just settle with the role they give you. When you join a game with 3 other people, these 3 people depend on you and you depend on them. That’s just the way it is. For the rare occasions where someone acts like a douche, there is nothing you can do about it.
It seems like the OP is acting like they’ve agreed to go in goal but as soon as the whistle blows they run up field to play striker (or start to chat with people behind the goal).
Just standing around at the portal or in town, or at finish up, you can see that this char has not completed more than 1 bounty, of cause we need to investigate if the player has already made a full act of bounties, but this is not the case in most cases, I feel it’s good that there is a way to remove “none adding to the group players” all around, I have been removed myself once, and could see why, as I had chosen a wrong build, not good at all for bounties, so I was way to slow and didn’t realize before removed from group, but there you go. I agree with all above, can’t complain about that feature at all.
There are two ways to play - Solo and Group (public, clan, etc.)
You pay the money to play Solo. Group play has to be earned.
When I started I got booted several times before I caught on to what everyone above is saying. The group is not there to carry you unless you ask first. Don’t hesitate to ask when you first join a group and tell them you’re new, not as strong, unsure of how to best gear and skill your character, and in particular ask if it’s okay to hang back. People are usually considerate and will tell you honestly.
A few reasons for being kicked:
Not being able to clear a bounty region in reasonable time
Jumping into Boss bounties BEFORE you’ve cleared you own region
Sitting in town waiting for bounties
Not being strong enough to participate in Greater Rifts (you add difficulty per player, but no extra power) and cause others to suffer.
Being inconsiderate
If you want help power leveling you need to ask up front for the help. There are clans set up for such help. Join and when in game with another clan member ask if you can talk to them for a few minutes after the game ends. I had one member give me a few minutes, but I took too long to type and he left. I found out a few days later he took the time to actually answer my questions in detail here in the forum with longer and clearer answers than I would have expected in the rush of gaming.
With the new follower system, you do not need to play multiplayer. I only play public games for Bounties, that is it. Playing multiplayer does not match up to the bonuses that you would be losing out by having a follower with you. There is no more reason to play MultiPlayer unless you play with your friends, so don’t play Public Games, it is that simple.