Love my Build but isn't viable

Thanks to Meteorblade here is the url you can copy and paste since they don’t allow links.

So how do I share my build…it doesn’t let us post links…wth? d3planner/292685000 https:/// Well here is the information…for the d3planner link since I can’t add the actual link…just have to add in the other stuff I guess.

I really wanted this to work, but with only one missing Ancient Convention of Elements it’s obvious it just doesn’t have the oomph. There are quite a few builds out there, but I really like what I have.

Hoping they buff some items in this build to make it viable. Guess it’s unlikely. Only major item I need to switch is Squirt’s Necklace to The Johnstone. I just haven’t found a good ancient yet.

Thoughts on what my easiest next choice is? I’ve seen builds that are similar that use Trag’ouls fang and Lost Time with Nayr’s Black Death. I like my Vampire build…but it’s not going to be viable this season if at all so I guess I just need to move on.

I think a buff to Funery Pick might make it viable. Increasing the targets it Siphons from and maybe adding all the Siphon Blood runes?

Would love feedback on what people think would make my build viable for past GR 65 that’s what I’m currently topped out at it seems.

I could see with ancient everything doing GR 75…80 maybe? It’s hard to tell as I’m no good at theorycrafting. Oh yeah I’m also planning on having Depth Diggers in this build.


  1. Copy the URL to the clipboard
  2. Paste the URL into your forum post
  3. Highlight the URL in your post
  4. Click the </> button in the editor
  5. This will turn your URL into pre-formatted text
  6. Whilst not clickable, the URL will be properly formatted so others can copy / paste it like this…

If you want to continue along the lines you’re on, i.e. with a LoD build…

But the top Necromancer build is still this…

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Thank you much for the suggestions and the help with adding urls. I recently tried a build with Bone Spear and LoD that I found and I do not care for it. I so wish mine was viable. I think I’ll look into that LoD Deathnova next.