Missing Bane of the Stricken for my Necromancer build

I can not seem to find Bane of the Stricken in my Diablo 3 game. I have looked through all inventory and items - also on followers. I do not think that I sold it or extracted it in the cube. The only time I have seen it was when I tried exploration mode and my Necromancer was now in another form - a sorceress. But that character is not on my hero list so I could not remove it and put it in my stash.
Hope someone can help.

If it doesn’t drop when you finish a greater rift it means that it is somewhere, and available, for the current hero that you play with. It can be on one of the followers or it can be placed in the stash maybe accidentally placed in a ring or amulet socket where it can be hard to spot.

You probably know, but the standard way to get duplicates of legendary gems is to drop the one (or ones) that you have on the ground and then run a GR. If you don’t wanna risk losing something left on the ground because of a disconnect it is safer to place the gem(s) in the inventory of another character.

Edit: Boubou to the rescue. :smile:


Ask your Templar to give it back…



Thanks for helping. All the best fro Denmark.


He talked too much to the Scoundrel, me thinks.

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