Movement Speed of DH

Sometimes i see player who has more than 4000 paragons, they are playing DH like me but their movement speed extremely fast. I saw one of them moved around the monster like wizard teleport skill. I think there is no movement skill on DH like he did. What should i do to move like them?

P.S. I have 1050 paragon DH, impale build with all ancients gear.

Are you sure they’re not simply using Vault constantly?

One of the runes of Shadow Power also increases the normal movement speed beyond the normal soft cap of 25%.

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In addition to the Vault skill, there are also passives…

Tactical Advantage
Whenever you use Vault, Shadow Power, Smoke Screen, or backflip with Evasive Fire you gain 60% movement speed for 2 seconds.

Hot Pursuit
Increase movement speed by 20% for 4 seconds when you hit an enemy.

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I believe he used shadow power with speed rune along with vault. I did not think of it before.

if you have the 4 piece shadow set, you get all runes for shadow power, including the speed buff.

movement speed is set to 25%, but with the speed buff from the shadow set, it hits 55%.

As MB said, you can buff this even more with tactical advantage and hot pursuit.

Also if you are using free vault gear you need to optimize it by vaulting the max of 3 vaults per one impale hit without costing resources.

Smokescreen discplacement with tactical advantage is really fast, maybe it was that.

edit: with base movement 25% and 30% from shadow power together with 100% from smoke screen displacement and 60% from tactical advantage adds up to 215% for a second. Vaulting in mid of smoke screen should make it look very quick