One thing i am not sure about:
Does Cain’s Destiny actually give all the set affixes, or just the 25% GR key drop on the follower?
One thing i am not sure about:
Does Cain’s Destiny actually give all the set affixes, or just the 25% GR key drop on the follower?
(Read below) …
Only the 3-piece bonus emanates, not the 2-piece, as per the patch notes…
The current list of items with Emanate capabilities are the following:
- Sage’s Journey (3-piece set bonus)
- Cain’s Destiny (3-piece set bonus)
The follower gets the 2-piece and 3-piece bonus.
The hero just gets the emanated 3-piece bonus.
Thankyou for the swift replies.
I wasn’t able to dedicate to the PTR so it’s helpful.
I’m finding that “Blind faith” is a good choice for the follower too, whilst although not specifically an emanate item, it shares on the battle scene
On this page you can see some suggestions for equipping different followers for different builds (can’t link directly):
It’s for Demon Hunter but I guess it works for other heroes too (click on the tabs to see the options). Other places it’s the Leoric’s Crown that’s recommended with a ruby for the small exp boost.
Follower mechanics…
Personally, I went with the Broken Crown on the follower for farming, as the emanated power leads to extra gem drops (the colour of the extra gems dropped matches the one in the hero’s helm, not the follower’s) with a Ruby in it.
Top-end Ruby gives 41% more XP, downed to 4.1% at level 70, and the hero inherits 20% of the follower’s XP bonus, so it’s only 0.82% extra XP for the hero, but better than nothing. For pushing, Mempo of Twilight might be worth a look, due to its guaranteed Attack Speed affix.
I am using that on my Enchantresses along with other attack speed items like witchingTalrasha chest to make them “crowd controllers” with blind. As you keep pushing higher and higher you want less intervention from your follower when it comes to cc and you want to be able to control things by yourself, but for speeds and not very high GRs, having enemies blind helps with my survivability, and the blind isn’t as annoying as the stun and for some cases a second cc after the slow can proc big damage multipliers, so yeah blind faith is definetely an option. The belt Sherma cord is also similar (if i remember the name correclty) and the Sultan two - handed sword so they can stack and make your follower almost perma blind enemies.
Now it would be nice if we could deselect a follower skill categori.
Now that follower skills scale with key attributes, such as strength for Templar, intelligence for the Enchantress, and so on, I imagine it now makes sense to augments the follower’s items, weapons etc with the appropriate affix. That could give 6,500+ strength to the templar.
It does yes. You just need 10.000 main stat on the gear all in all which will give you 25.000 effectively.
Just equipping all 13 slots (14 for Templar) should result in them having enough main stat to get to 25K, which is enough to get maximum power / duration of their abilities. Anything over that will increase their damage, but it’s still inconsequential. On my non-seasonal hero, I have an Enchantress with just under 48K INT, and she still can’t kill anything at T16, let alone in high level GRs. They’re still the same as they always were, i.e. just there to provide buffs to the heroes.
It looks like how you describe, although strength scales with heal amount if you use the templar, which I do for that main reason. At the moment it is: “Heal you and the templar for 386,843, based on the templar’s Strength”
That is a particularly valuable asset for pushing.
Yes, but the maximum heal value is achieved by the Templar having 25,000 Strength.
Having more Strength than that does not increase the healing further.
Examples, with differing STR values and associated healing values…
As you see, the maximum heal value is 429,137 regardless of how much over 25,000 STR you go.
Thanks. I wonder why it is capped? So it seems one of the benefits is the 20% CDR from Captain crimsons. I use two pieces for that along with the 8% attack speed bonus with two pieces of cain’s, although it looks like the real value comes from the nemesis bracers with Flavour of time, previously only available to the main hero.
I wonder if in (near) future patches, other items will emanate (Witching hour, and so on)
The only follower ability that benefits from CDR on gear is the Templar’s Heal. None of his other abilities, and none of the other followers’ abilities, benefit from it.
A better idea is for the follower’s equipment is to wear two pieces of Cain’s, two pieces of Sage’s and a Ring of Royal Grandeur. This means they will emanate the 3-piece bonus of both sets, granting double DBs and extra GR keys whilst farming rifts. Add in a Broken Crown for extra gems too. There’s a set of shoulders that make your items indestructible which means never having to pay for gear repairs again whilst solo.
Nemesis and flavor of time are by far the most useful items you can put on the follower. Especially the second, it is invaluable to have double pylon time. I am so spoiled to having these 2 emanate powers that without them i feel naked. There other small items you can equip your follower but most of them work outside the scope of GRs, and basically just give you some minor buffs for nephelim rifts that you can live without them since any build can blast through torment 16. The cain’s set is also obviously welcome, since you can farm more keys. Probably in the future they will include more items that help with GRs. These three emanate powers are a “must have” in my oppinion. And of course there is the occulus ring which does not emanate but still works normally, same as the unity ring.
Your follower is essentially a moving Kanai’s cube. You can also consider the Enchantress that seems really popular especially with builds that have some need for cooldown reduction and/or attack speed.
I also found out that “Andariel’s Visage” also has guaranteed attack speed, and also the affix of a poison nova, dealing more damage for the Templar. That will teach those shielding juggernauts at 125+
Yes it makes all the difference with FOT and nemesis. Yesterday came the Festering woods, three merging elites and champions with a conduit close to a power pylon. 5 elites downed in less than 10 seconds at GR 130 - thats over 25% of the rift (including the bonus from all the trash and the actual elites. i thnk you also get a progress for killing elites added to the purple discs)
With thanks to my trusty Enchantress’s free Nemesis Bracers + Flavour of Time…
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