New sets for each class

So what you think/want these sets would do?
I want some strong lighting set for Wizard, like it buffs all lighting spells and does something else if you use lighting spells. For Demon Hunters i want rapid fire only set, like huge dmg buff for that skill. Crusaders could get Heaven’s fury only set.

i really hope they make a good chakram set for dh

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Iiking the idea of a dedicated set to heavens fury shotgun type of build.

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Thanks this is energy thanks you. Everithing is good new play style.
From long not used skill ?

Dracula not speaking about WD for me something for WD control. Similar as jade cross arachyr.

Mass confusion
Locus swarm
spirit barage ???

i don no…

And here I thought that Peter was going to Kiss the game goodbye?

yeah and you show me is good time leaving this place.

Il waiting to next patch i see its lost time. right now i go.

Good luck on D4.

I am really not positive about Diablo4 either… Since todays Activisions games are build around Lootboxes and Mictrotransactions. I think ill stay with D1 2 3 and Grim Dawn

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People are allowed to change their mind…

Who can say what the future holds for each of us ?

I dont think there are lootboxes in PC or console games or at least there wount be in D4 i assume and i have hope for D4. If it’s crap then i just play D2, D3 and Immortal whenever it comes out.

are you for real ???
blizzard dont give a ***** for this game and you whant new sets

I guess you’ve missed the Blizzard blog post where they discuss the future plans for D3, which includes the plans to release a brand new set for each class.

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Our crew is hard at work crafting additional Themed Seasons, a new set for each class, dozens of Legendary powers, and some class balance changes. Quality of life and the occasional gameplay system updates are also within scope, as we evaluate how we can keep bringing new magic to the world of Sanctuary.

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For DH there is battlefield splash = maradeur
tank dmg = S6
attack speed = MS
and Natalyas for rapid fire only it seems. Maybe they should do a new set including Strafe!! I have a worthless build in armory for boosting (it barely does dmg above lvl 80) and it is a neverending strafer, so much fun running higher grifts without doing dmg but at least be the only survivor and looking cool during the run.

I also request a thorn barb and a kite monk with deadly reech for teh lulz (also zombie bears should be useful again)

hard working like diablo imortal
sry bro but this game is meeeehhhhh

Barbarian: should have a set that makes all shouts/cries do major damage in a huge area as well as buff team & de-buff spawns.

Crusader: should have a set that is a nod to the Paladin of D2 with a bolt of lightening hit doing major damage on boss/elites with multiple streamers doing high damage to mob.

Demon Hunters: should have set that stupendously enhances toughness and all resist whilst boosting all skills by 20,000%!

Druid: we demand a druid!

Monk: set should boost primaries by 20,000% and give you all mantras & 4 of each ally and quadruple the effects of both skills with each one you have so it would be base 2 (two skills namely mantra & mystic ally) raised to the power of 4 & repeat for each type of ally & mantra.

Necromancer: set should boost revive & or bone skills because at the moment having to recharge bone armour sucks and does not make a super tanky necro like D2 has with same skill also bone spirit and bone spear damage pails into insignificance in comparison to D2 counterparts!

Witch Doctor: set should boost spirit walk effect & make it a damage skill with that set.

Wizard: set should boost all cold & lightening skills & give an multifaceted aura that benefits allies just as much as it does the wizard and yes it does stack with other wizards!

Amazon: We demand an Amazon!

Side note archon needs none-set items that boost the damage and defence capabilities of archon such as off-hand & weapon and an archon ring and an archon amulet so that we can then use LoN archon builds that are not bazooka based and are a much more chilled & fun play style with no need for macros!!!