Newbie Q 2 - Casters and weapons

Alright, so spell damage depends on the weapon damage, for whatever strange reason.
What is the important stat: raw demage or damage per scond?
Or iow: Does the weapon attack speed have any effect on casting (speed)?
The resources I found say that weapon speed affect casting time of spells. But those are from 10 years ago - is this still accurate?
OTOH it would kinda make sense to balance slow hard hitting weapons vs. quick low damage weapons. otoh it’s kinda weird … but ok …
So no “faster cast rate” in the game?
Thank you.

Simplistic explanation…

  • Slow weapons will hit for more damage per hit but less often
  • Fast weapons will hit for less damage per hit but more often

For most builds, heroes tend to have a main-hand and off-hand, i.e. they’re dual-wielding, which means they have fast weaponry equipped meaning you do more attacks in a given time, but they do less damage per hit.

As for “faster cast rate” there’s the Attack Speed stat available on some armour slots, e.g. gloves, which will increase the number of attacks you can do in a given time.