Not registering to leaderboard -TEMPORARY FIX-

I like that thinking… but that still needs to be tested out.

I only play solo and have been using the time needed to “retrieve the hero list” as a criterion to abort/not abort the launching of Diablo III. It’s not perfect… I do get false negative (ie, a long “retrieve the hero list” will successfully record a new grift record) but it shows some promises… more testing needed.

Also, I have no idea how that would work for a group… for the simple reason that I only play solo.

Finally, I will say that one of the player on the French forums said that he/she completed a level 92 gRift 4 times before it actually recorded as a personal record… all on the same server. @NotLikeThis said he did 2 records on the same server… the first one was correctly recorded, but not the second. I have a feeling I am missing something, but I do not know what.