NSW version is just great!

I’d like to thank you for this great game on the NSW.

Originally I bought D3 back in 2012 for pc and I couldn’t play that game for long periods of time somehow. I only got to P350 or something and played a little on and off till 2017. The RoS expansion didn’t really do the trick for Pc same as the Necromancer to actually get me hooked.

But then I realised why I liked Diablo so much back in the day… I played loads of couch coöp with my friends on the old Playstation with controllers and this is what makes this game awesome. Sure Diablo 2 and 3 were good on Pc too but D3 on the Nintendo Switch is super awesome with its couch coöp and the portability of the NSW!

It is actually so awesome, only bought it a few days back for the NSW on the holliday sale, that I’ve beaten my pc level with eas, had a blast with my friends at home and is getting close to the top game time I have with a few games on the NSW.

I was so surprised by this that I even believe this is the best game on the NSW, for me ofc, at this moment (ok ok maby it is still MM2). It is just overall a better game in general in the ways you can play this version of D3.

So due to this all, again, a big thanks for taking the time to port this over to the NSW! I hope you will remake D2 for the NSW too and I can understand no D4 due to limiting hardware but by then there will be another big N console/hybrid :wink:

Merry Christmas and a happy 2020!