Pets to pick up certain items that tailor your need

Yes, I have been asking this for a while and I have mentioned this before in other posts. Can we have pets to pick up certain items such as DB, Crystal (yellow), Dust (blue), Soul, Gems as well as gold? I am not asking for Pets to collect everything.

I mean we can have certain pet that only pick up DB for example? Some pets can pick up only gems, some pets will pick up only crafting materials like yellow, blue and white items. So that way, if you are short on DB or Mats or Gems, rather than picking up every time in the middle of the game play, you let your pet to do the job. You can tailor your needs with pets. In my case, I don’t need gems or gold but I am always short on Mats and DB.

At the moment, pets are useless other than just for picking up gold and look only. Also we can have level of intelligent on pets. Basic low level pet can only pick up gold. Some pet can pick up gold as well as gems. Some can pick up gold and Mats. Some do gold as well as DB and Mats. The best one is the one can pick up everything. I am sure that you get the idea. So obviously those pets are more desirable and people will work hard to get it.

We already have gold chest (mimic) running around. That could be the basic one that only know gold. We have ghost in amour (Haunting Hannah), she can pick up DB as well as gold. Cow Kings can pick up gems and gold since he likes bling. Liv Moore or the boy can do Mats and DB since they are more human ish. The cooler looking pets can be highest intelligent and can pick up everything.

So in summary, can you please add customisation to your need in Pets?
Can we have level of intelligent on pets? I think is fun and purpose of having a pet. You might say in that case what do you pick up then? Well as a player, we pick up gear items, legendary, bounties stuff, key and soul. It gives up less clicking around and better quality of life. I find it particularly annoying that I have to stop in the middle of Bab WW and pick up those crap. What do you think guys?

No. Just make more stuff auto pick up. Having different kinds of pets picking up different kind of stuff really doesn’t help much. In the beginning and far into a season you’ll want to pick up most of what drops anyway (in terms of mats and gems etc. at least).

Well I don’t ever play season. So are my mates. If you start the game from scratch, I would say yes, you take whatever the game give you but after that it becomes a chore and I think you are missing the point here. I am talking about customising the need of the player is the focus here in order to make a bit better quality of life.

Do you know how annoying it is to pick up just a couple of crystal and dust on the floor while you are focusing on the killing mob? They do eventually build up to a decent amount from each rift only if you keep on collecting them. If you are in rush, you click fast and tons of junk went to your stash. Then I have to take them out to save space and time for me to TP to town and recycle them.

I don’t want gems or gold and the only thing I want is crafting mat and DB. I can pick up keys, shard and legendary items. Sometime my mates kill the elite and DB drop but I was on different area and I have to run around the map sometime to see where he killed it. If my pet is nearby he can pick it up without even me noticing it. Every rift, I have to farm DB as much as I can even after killing the boss and I wear the pylon bracer.

I have over 400 keys but less than 400 DB and 4000 mats. I have been playing D3 since it came out and I have never had more than 2000 DB even with the sage set. I used to pick up all the yellow and blue items as well but I wasted so much time TP to town crush them and run back to rift again. I have to work smart and only pick up White items and convert them in the cube.

Basically the game has become like a house chore as I said before. Every evening, rift after rift, GR after GR and now the question is to what end? Kept on repeating the same thing over and over for all these years? I am now feeling like a robot, mindless running around on the map without even thinking, picking up all the resources except gems. Chance of getting the stuff you need is less than 1% since we all know how bad the RND in this game is. So you have to do it in expensive way of crafting, reforging etc to narrow it down. It is not fun. So why not make it a bit better to save us clicking millions of times? You might say if it is not fun, why carry on playing this then. Well one of the thing I enjoy D3 is meeting new people and I usually help them to get started. Some of them become my long term friends for many years in real life.

I used to against the people who bot the game and now I am becoming like an actual mindless bot without even realising it but I am not effective as bot obviously. I have seen it on YouTube about these bot programs which I never knew existed. I do understand why people use bot program to do these chores. I get it now but I won’t risk it since I have invested so many of my time in this one. I only play casually now because of my mates. If they are here I login. If they are not around, I just have movie night or play other games.

All I am asking for a little bit of customisation on the pet. My mates thought it is a good idea and interesting. If you need gem, pick the pet that collect gem only. If you need DB, pick the pet that will do the job. You get the idea. The rest you pick up yourself or you don’t. Right now what is the purpose of having pet? Nothing, just the look and collect gold for you. Gold that nobody care about.

If you’ve played non season for a long time you should have speed farming builds that don’t have to focus much on killing mobs and you shouldn’t have to pick up all of the junk (especially rare/yellow items that only yield one crystal each).

That’s why having pets specialised in picking up only one type of materials isn’t going to do much good because we’ll still have to stop and click a lot.

I have so many different setting for every single class with all sort of combinations. I have a lot of speed farming set up in my DH, WD, Bab, Monk. That what I said, I only pick up White item and convert them in the cube instead of picking up all the yellow and blue which really doesn’t help since only give 1 yellow back but white can give up to 8 or something like that. So it is more worth carrying.

I didn’t say 1 type of materials. Please read my first post carefully. Pet with level of intelligent or however way you like to put it. For example some pet can pick up only gold. They are the dumb or very basics one. Some pet can pick up only gems and gold. Some pet only focus on picking up mats and DB and some pet (very rare one like the comic wing) can pick up; up to 3 or 4 things like DB, Crystal, Dust.

So if I am short on DB, I will take the pet that do that job with me on the rift/journey. If I am low on gems, I will take the gem pet like the cow queen who likes bling. If I need Mats, I will get the tinker bell. :slight_smile: The rest you either pick up yourself or you don’t. So it is more effective way of collecting. If too many things happening on the screen and you have to look for the small things to collect which is annoying.

At the moment, pets are doing the good job collecting gold and look at how much gold we got and no matter how many GR100+ we do, gold never ever run out. If I can use this gold to buy crafting mats, I would be gladly spend on it but we can’t. I tried to buy all the white item from the some dealer on the map and back to town to recycle them, guess what, you CAN’T. It only allow you to recycle the white item that drop in the game or from some weapon stash.

So to get enough mats and DB, you have to farm and grind hours and hours instead of doing anything fun. Sometime GR is easier and 3-4 minutes at 90-100, no bother about picking up anything until the end. Now we have 2 new sets and gears coming up in next patch. I just got everything I wanted for the last 3 sets + gears from the last patch and used up all the mats and souls.

Now I have to farm them again and I want all of them in ancient at least with some good stat. I am not aiming too high like one of my mates who only after primal. He is primal collector and every piece on his DH and Crus are all primal but then he doesn’t bother on the rest of the chars. I am not like him, I tried to get the best I can on all my chars and hence still never had enough with Mats and DB.

Well mats and DBs are four things (at least). So 99% of the players would use that pet 99% of the time (approximately).
There is one practical use of white items from vendors. They can be used when converting mats in the cube.

Are you trying to teach me how to use the cube? I have been playing since D3 came out, way before RoS, during Auction House time. I know how to use the cube perfectly fine. I did say above I take the white item and use the cube to convert mats and give me 100 mats which is more effective than picking up Yellow item on the floor.

I don’t understand why you so against auto pick up. What so wrong about that? There are plenty of things for the player to do and picking up a couple of Crystal on the floors every second is a nightmare. It doesn’t break the system or the game in any shape or form. If I am asking for auto recycle all the legendary items, YES then this is gone too far but this is crafting mats.

It makes a lot easier for the player and a lot less click. My wrist got so tired, my eyes go blur and I have to take a break every now and then. Sometime I stop during WW to pick up DB and stuff, mob shot me with some arrow and I die and lost my XP pool. There are a lot of little things that annoy me in this game.

As for the developer, coding shouldn’t be that different than gold. Some suggested create a new gem to do that job or add it in the set features like Sage to pick up DB as well. My suggestion on customising the pet is more fun and useful. Now you have to farm this goblin to drop the new pets that do certain job. The pet that collect everything must be super rare like comic wing from the Rainbow gob. Pets are now finally useful, has purpose and valuable addition to the game now instead of just a look.

I was reading in the other post about you guys arguing. One of the guy (Promethus I think) said “auto pick up sounds so boring for him since he has nothing left to do”. To me, chore like this is bloody boring and annoying than actually playing the game. You must be joking. I don’t know if I am reading a child post or something, they do actually act like a teenager in there. Unbelievable.

What I said in my first response.

Like auto pick up of all the stuff that doesn’t go into your inventory/stash which has been suggested by Meteorblade and others.

So your solution to the tedious chore of mats hunting is to introduce an even more tedious pet hunt?

I think we don’t get along at all, do we? We have never even met before and just by talking on the form, we can clearly see we have 2 completely different ideas and views on everything. It’s like black and white and no point of continue arguing with you and all your arguments are pointless.

Auto pick up is bad but why? Oh cause we have nothing left to click on. But we are still clicking a lots and is it not a good thing? The game purpose is to play the game and find gear and have fun. Not about finding all these little mats on the floor all the time to save up enough to craft things that you want since RND is not on our side.

Less than 40% of my ancients and primal come from the drop. The other 60% is come from the shards, re-roll, crafting. upgrade rare items which come at a cost. If you only trying focus on a few chars or a few sets/items/gears, then probably you don’t care about mats. In my case, I have a lot of mouths to feed and I want to treat all of them equally. One got the iPhone X and the other have iPhone 5 obviously not fair.

We all know about the inventory space and I am not a newbie as I said before. It is simply just a suggestion to the developer and in the other post I can see there are a few who likes the idea of it. There are more who don’t go on the form as well.

You don’t need to hunt pets and if they want to make it easier for us, we have already tons of pets which they can tweak into it just like they do to our current gears. But if you want the best pets that collect everything, maybe it should come at a price or some effort to get it. Beside, I bumped into that pet gob at least twice every week on bounties and surely you can get a couple new pets if they wanted to add to it. It is really not tedious at all to find one but they might not drop the super pet.

I have made a lot of points in this form. Some of it from my own experience and some of it come from my mates and other players in the public game. As long as developer read this and let them decide for themselves. At the end of the day, none of us can do anything about it. We can sit here and argue on both side of the story all days but they are the one has to decide and I am telling them that it is to improve the better quality of life and it doesn’t harm anything or anyone and plus more interesting and purpose for the pet rather than just the look and collecting gold.

The problem is on your side. I’m all for auto pick up. Your suggestions just opens up a lot of issues. Most players like to collect pets and other cosmetics. That’s one of the reasons season is popular. By making certains pets do certain things you limit the choice players have to select the pet they want. There is also a certain balance in the game. A pet that only picks up one kind of stuff isn’t going to save you from a lot of clicking… especially when playing season. It’s no good having a bunch of DBs picked up by your pet if you haven’t also picked up mats, souls and gems.

Ok, in that case they can make the all pets to pick up all the DB, Mats, Gems and Gold. What is the issue? Very easy fix. That solve all the problem right. Either let your pet to do all the chore or you do it yourself as we are now. There is no grey area. Less all the hassle and complication about different pet do different items. Done. It is just a suggestion.

In my case, I never needed gems or gold but I am more after DB and Mats and at the moment I am doing the best I can but not effective as a bot. If there are a couples on the floor, I just skip it and move on, there are a few, I stop and pick them up. If I am unlucky, I can die during that split second and lose my XP pool. I need like 50 of them + 25 DB on each roll. You can imagine how many click I need to do every rift. If I bump into Big Blue Gob, it is my lucky day but how often you met him? All this little things really get on my nerve.

You didn’t make it very clear which side you are on in your reply. Sometime I have a feeling that you are not reading my message properly and I have to repeat myself again. Very confusing and easy to misread.

Just say it from the start. Mate I agree with you on Auto Pick up but here are some issues that you need to think about. If you play season you need everything. So no point of having picking up only 1 or 2 items since you still have to pick up the other stuff, except for a few less click. I see your point mate but I hope you also see my point of view. Sorted. Then I can understand what you are on about. For god sake.

If it helps, you can go to the battlefields of eternity - Act V, and go through the whole area. The armaments and the stacks of armor lying on the ground will always drop a white item if you click on them. In a couple of minutes you can fill your inventory. Probably, there are other areas but this is my favorite. I dedicate a few minutes every now and then to farm whites cause i find that i have the lowest stock of them.

I am semi - on board with your original post, however i do not know how hard it will be to implement those changes to the game for the devs, so realistically i don’t see it happening soon.

Whilst I agree that it would be fine for pets to pickup DB, mats, gold and blood, I disagree on gems. The reason for the distinction is that auto-pickup should only happen for things that do not take up an inventory slot, so that you’re never in the situation where the pet is trying to pick something up for you but you don’t have room for it.

If you never need gold, you’re not empowering high enough level GRs.

I actually agree with that as well. Anything that doesn’t take up space should be auto pick up and gem we can do it ourselves. As for GR, you are right and I don’t do above 115 any more. The main reason is I never get anything useful from GR. Everything I have in my char or stash is all come from normal rift but mostly from the cube and shard which is why I am always short on Mats and DB but have over 400 keys and 60 billions of gold sitting there for no reason.

I only do between 90 to 110 solo under 3-6 minutes per run depend on my char. Ideally GR 90-100 with my Bab or Monk or DH or WD for about 4 minutes just for the sake of more XP. It takes so long from level 1 to 100 about 1:30 to 2 hours which mean I have time for only 1 gem level up a day. And also I am not that bother about extra stat for much longer time or don’t care about getting on the leader board.

I remember I used to do Rat run when Necro came out for about 10-11 minutes and for me that is a long time for just 5 extra level up on a gem. So I gave up doing that now and only focus on getting a nice gear. After I get what I wanted, I now running a lot of speed GR and trying to use up those keys and gold. I have a lot of real life responsibility now and I only have a couple of hours every evening in my man cave.

Also half of my mates have left D3 for all these annoying reasons and they lost their faith with Blizzard. Mainly RND is a nightmare, too many useless items that nobody care about, a lot of chores. I don’t blame them and I too feel the same. So I switch to SC2, other games and D3 is now become a causal. If they don’t introduce the new set, I won’t be bother to login for a long time.

Also notice that not many people doing bounties anymore recently. I just check for the public game Zero for bounties. 22 in Rift, 116 in GR. Last night I opened to public game and only 1 guy joined. Did the second run and met the super bot with over 9500 paragon that keep vaulting in circle. Where is everybody go?

Also @Yuko, I do go to that area as well and my favourite too. That is my white farming area every chance I get and usually about 150-220 per run.

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Yeah that’s exactly what I do in seasons. My highest tries are up to 110-120. From that point forward the game loses its fun and requires too many things I cannot control. (Lag, not a gaming laptop, rng, min maxing items, dungeon layout, pylons, mob types.) I enjoy my time with the game though. Farming primals and trying different sets, builds and combinations is enough to keep me playing. For off-season it is indeed difficult to find pubs for bounties and in hardcore it is almost impossible unless you have a clan or a team. In season I find open games within less than 3 seconds. I love the game but not that much to try and fish for 100 dungeons in a row when I have - let’s say - 2 hours to play. I also stopped playing in groups for 5 seasons. I don’t like that commitment. I don’t like playing what blizzard wants me to play.

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