I am stuck playing at gr 100. Can anyone please check my gear on what to improve.
I am stuck playing at gr 100. Can anyone please check my gear on what to improve.
If you mean your seasonal Barb…
Then I have no idea how you’re currently doing GR100s with it, as you’ve broken the Wastes 6-piece bonus (by equipping the Raekor chest) and don’t have a Ring of Royal Grandeur (either equipped or Cubed). You don’t have Ambo’s Pride in the Cube (causes WW to auto-apply Rends). You’re missing two of the three rings for the build - you equip Convention of Elements and Band of Might (not having this one is a massive mitigation loss) and cube Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac (makes up-time on Wrath of the Berserker very easy to maintain at 100%). You don’t have Mantle of Channelling in cube’s armour slot. You don’t have Mortick’s Bracers equipped. You don’t have either the Bul-Kathos mighties (to make fury regen trivial) or Istvan’s Paired Blades (for more armour / damage). The first thing I’d suggest is reviewing these guides…
Getting the right gear / abilities set up, with the soul shards, you should easily be doing GR115-120s.
My regular barb Temox
So, that’s…
In which case, the same guides I linked above are still relevant. Immediate things to change on your non-seasonal Barb are to swap the Horde gloves back to the Wastes gloves, as this means you don’t need to use a RoRG in the Cube, and you can go back to using the ORotZ again, thereby making maintaining 100% up-time on WOTB easier. Gearing changes…
Gameplay tip… the Rends that are applied automatically as a result of Ambo’s Pride do not benefit from Area Damage. However, manually applied Rends do. So, when you stand in an Oculus circle, on the Physical cycle of CoE, with mobs tightly grouped up by Ground Stomp / Wrenching Smash, manually apply Rends - they’ll do way more damage than automatically applied ones.
Thank you for the advice.