Please nerf spinners

I was pushing rank 1 Frenzy on Hardcore, i had a 2nd life but before i knew it i was dead as soon as a spinner ( cant remember proper name ) spawned on pylon with nem bracer. 2nd life proceed and i was dead instantly. Either give 2nd life 2-3 sec immunity or nerf spinners. i know this spinner effect kills frenzy barb the most effectively but its so strong against us we dont have a chance to even run away.

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This problem with spinners and other monster types that reflect projectiles and insta-kills yourself and team members has been up for years. The developers don’t seem to wanna change it. If a monster type, on the other hand, gives an advantage to certain builds the developers are quick to find a “solution” to “fix” the “problem” (read: GoD demon hunters on missile dampeners) :slight_smile:

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Couldn’t agree more. And these enemies tend to spawn frequently with nemesis + pylon. Best thing you can do is avoid them as soon as you see them.

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I :heartpulse: spinners

Well I really mean im so tanky they don’t bother me