Hello, I need to know how long would it take to get the free stash space from the season journey achievement and which class would take me there as fast as possible?
I’m not interested in playing seasonal, just want to get the free stash space.
Every one of the classes are more than capable of completing the season journey to get the free stash
Necro and demon hunter have probably the fastest start and another plus for necros is that they have the easiest set dungeons
Can’t answer for sure how long it will take. Personally I usually finish the whole journey when I am at around 700-800 paragons, but I don’t focus on the journey at the beginning of the season. Most of the quests are done just by playing normally, then I complete the last few, like conquests and set dungeons.
It’s also important to play a fast build if you concentrate on the journey, like GoD demon hunter which is the starting set (Haedrig’s gift). My suggestion is either necro or dh and use either one of their starting sets. Keep in mind that this season, none of the starting sets have a set dungeon, so you need to do it with another set.
I’ll give DH a try, thank you
I will add that if you are motivated enough, you can win 2 tabs per season
One time by playing in “Regular” mode (and therefore get help from other players) and once by playing in SSF mode (Solo Sefl Found).
ps : the limit of stashes acquired in season remains 5 maximum.
I’m sorry but could you explain what do you mean by that? I’m not quite sure I understand
You can get a maximum of +5 new tabs from season completions. Each time you complete the chapter VIII of the journey it gives you a permanent stash. So before the ssf mode you needed 5 seasonal journeys to acquire all the tabs. Now it’s faster according to what strix said. You can do it in 3 seasons I guess. I didn’t know about that by the way. It’s definitely nice. There are also +2 stashes with the necromancer dlc. The maximum ammount is 13 stashes.