Raiziel Rift guardian

i have been soloing 110-117 GRs on my 1200+p fully ancient geared Lod hyrdra wiz with no problem at all. till the point where i encounter Raiziel as a rift guardian. the encounter is good until he reaches a certain percentage where he starts shooting a nova of yellow dotted darts where he one shots me with all my shields.unity. taguk.Aquila, hallo of karini buffs including 4 stacks of explosive blasts 40% and channeling damage reduction buff are up aswell to no avail. all encounters have concluded in failures on the contrary to all other GR guardians. it seems armor and all resist have no effect on this attack( could it be holy damage if yes why all resist isn’t working) i highly recommend checking it.

On the assumption that you’re using the Templar as your follower, he will be in melee range “tanking” the boss. Ensure that you position your hero so that the Templar is between you and the boss. That way, when the boss throws out the fan of damage, your Templar absorbs one or two of the projectiles, leaving a gap in the fan, which is where your hero is stood. When doing this, you’ll take zero damage.