Rogue Encampment

In the spirit of the new Diablo 4 pending release, my inspiration returns to old themes and the delicate symphony that surrounded those times… and those lands. That evergreen terrain of the Rogue Encampment, forever met with drizzling grey skies.

And the rustic town of Tristram, with the cows and cathedral to the north.

Then the horrors of the unspeakable character, the wanderer. What iron body of indestructible flesh harboured the entity within??

Having said that, take a look at my guitar cover of the entire song Rogue Encampment.

It may sound sparse and desolate but I hope the keen eye and ear brings the community together and all be reminded of the quality invested in this epic game!


Thanks a million for that PrincePookie. That definitely brings back memories :slight_smile: Which theme do you like most?

Kind regards

Kind regards


What’s your opinion?

If they were to do music like d2 again even the music business would be in trouble