Ruthless mode (like in Poe)

More difficulty, slower progress, less drop. I think it would be fun. It would add challenge back into the game.

newly introduced in path of exile.

You could start levelling your legendary gems to 100 and above in greater rifts in Diablo. Unless it’s too challenging? :wink:

does not provide a challenge. It’s boring monotonous stuff.

You can get more difficulty by cranking up the GR tiers. Slowing progress and reducing drops don’t make any difference in challenge.

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Isn’t that what lazy kids say? D3 is what it is. There are only so and so many things you can do. Just like in any other games or sports or other activities. What is fun to some is boring to others.

Say that you have a hero that can breeze through T16 rifts and bounties. If you want this to be more difficult, slow and challenging you’ll have to use other skills, items, sets etc, gimping your hero. Is that fun? Probably not…
In GRs there are other possibilities. You can speed run them to get gear drops and exp or you can crank up the difficulty for a more challenging, and still rewarding, gameplay. Greater rifts vary so much in map layouts and monster composition that they pose a challenge when you’re not able to speed run them, and when you get so high that it can be a struggle to beat the 15 minute timer.

It would add frustration back into the game.
You’re talking about how the game used to be pre-ROS.

Then play POE, maybe, rather than wanting D3 to be turned into it.


optionally choosable like the HARDCORE MOD. and not forced.

And yes. I loved Diablo 3 before LoD

Being optional is irrelevant. What you are asking for is not more challenge but more fustration as already said. Slowing progress and reducing drops does not make the game more challenging. Why would anyone want voluntarily more fustration?

Have you even played the game beyond GR100 ever? Based on your profile I’d say no. Try GR150 with some of your poorly geared characters and tell me there’s no challenge.

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If you want more difficulty and slower progress then make a new character. Start on master mode or higher. Do the campaign from start to end and tell us how easy it was

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