Hello. My Buriza-Do Kyanon and The Ninth Cirri Satchel has the same affixes and it goes follows like Hungering Arrow is guaranteed to pierce…
Ethereal has 545% and quiver has %481 so am i getting 1026% increased damage?
My hero: https://eu.diablo3.com/en-us/profile/CrazyMage-219836/hero/149754457
Don’t you wish ?
But nah…
- Legendary Powers and Class Passive Skills rolled on Ethereals do not stack with the same power equipped through Kanai’s Cube, Items or Skills.
cf : https://eu.diablo3.com/en-gb/blog/23695733/season-24-|-ethereal-memory-|-now-live-09-07-2021#Seasons
So, you only get the 481% of the Ninth Cirri Satchel.
It can take a while, and some luck, to get a good Ballista with either the Dawn, Valla’s Bequest or Fortress Ballista power.
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So as the weapon and quiver has the same affix, can i use to continue ballista and choose different quiver? I will not need to use quiver’s affix, right?