Season 24 - Ethereal Memory - Has Ended!

You can if get lucky with RNG. Ethereals are still a subject of smart loot and that means roughly 15% of all drops are for other classes than the one you’re playing at the moment. That means every time an ethereal drops, there’s a 2.5% chance it’s a necro ethereal.

It means there’s a 2.5% chance that any time a legendary drops it will be a Necromancer item and Ethereal weapons are approximately 1 in 100 legendaries. That means it’s 1% of 2.5%, i.e. 0.025% chance per drop, which is 1 in 4000. Then factor in you need all three of them and, even assuming you don’t get any duplicates, that puts it at 12,000 legendaries to get them. At GR90, you get 12 legendaries per run. Many hundreds of GRs, or a huge amount of luck, is needed for people without the DLC to get this Feat of Strength.


Indeed. While the Feat can be achieved without the DLC, it really does require some serious amount of gameplay and luck.

Agree, the ethereal items should be a seasonal thing only. Usually these types of themes that give a lot of power are not permanent. Personally i find this season quite interesting. I don’t think i 'll have the time to grind 7 classes but it is nice once in a while to farm for some cosmetics that need time investement, rather than the typical season journey where you can unlock the cosmetics within the first or second day.

Not had a single Ethereal weapon drop yet. Forcing people to rely on the screwed up RNG in this game is a ridiculous idea for a season.


The method I’m currently using to work towards the Feat of Strength is as follows…

  1. Have a main hero capable of speed-farming
  2. Collect Puzzle Rings (drops, gamble at Kadala, upgrade rare to legendary in Cube, etc)
  3. Level a Gem of Ease to rank 25
  4. Obtain a level 70 legendary dagger (this is because all classes can use one)
  5. Use the Cube’s recipe to remove the level requirement of an item on the dagger which uses up the level 25 Gem of Ease created earlier (this is important, i.e. do not socket it into a dagger - you do NOT want the +XP gain from kills)
  6. Create an alt of the class whose ethereals you need
  7. Give the level requirement removed dagger to the alt
  8. Go to an open map, kill enough mobs to get the alt to level 6
  9. Set the Cube’s armour power on the alt to Illusory Boots, so you can walk through mobs
  10. Create a T6 game on the alt, use a Puzzle Ring in the Cube, enter the Vault, and walk through all of the mobs (this is why we have the Illusory Boots) and enter the end boss’s chamber
  11. Kill Greed, and you’ll get 0-2 ethereals from the loot chest
  12. The kill will put the hero to around level 14-15
  13. Put the level requirement removed dagger back in the Stash
  14. Delete the alt
  15. Repeat steps 6-14 until you have the three ethereals for the class
  16. Repeat for all classes

–==[ EDIT ]==–

All done…


Transmogs are wrong after unlocking, barb transmog for necro

The three Barbarian ethereals are a one-handed sword, a one-handed axe and a two-handed sword. As a Necromancer could wield any of those weapon types, if you attempt to transmog an item of those types, the Barbarian weapons appearances will be available. None of the Barbarian’s transmogs are Mighty Weapon only, so they’re not class locked.

This is not wrong.

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Every Season I have this lag

I managed to get FPS back!

I’m going to be perfectly honest - This season, thus far at over 50 hours put into it give or take, has been worthless in terms of my time spent in it. The rewards are incredibly meh, set wise at least, though they do give me the joy of attempting to collect the set I ACTUALLY want. So there’s one upside, I suppose…

My biggest gripe is that, while it’s harder to get ethereals and they are meant to be a grindy-to-get item(s), it’s feeling almost impossible to find even a single one. I’ve grouped with people - Two of them got an ethereal in the first level of the first rift we ran - and I’ve run solo and have yet to see a single one. I look in the chat and see people complaining that they have, four, five, sometimes even six of the exact same ethereal but with slightly different passives or whatever.

Maybe it’s their class? Maybe it’s their group running high grifts? I don’t know…

What I do know is this snapshotting needs to change. The pool for loot is far smaller at level 12, I get that, so ethereals don’t have to fight as hard to be dropped in comparison to someone running at level 70 with the larger loot pool. This needs to change, honestly. Evened out, if you will. Can keep the level 12 pool the same, but up the drop chance for higher level (50, 60, 70+) containers/destructibles/mob kills to drop the ethereals even if it IS another class besides the one you’re playing. I just want to see ONE without having to cheese your system and run level 12 T6 rifts.

At this point I don’t even care to try and get all 21 to keep the mogs. I just want one to push some seasonal rifts.

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I found three while levelling up. I levelled up in rifts at normal or hard (because of the drop chances in rifts is higher). The first ethereal was at level 7 but for a class I couldn’t use. Then one at around 40 and then one at level 55 which was far better than the two hander lvl 70 weapon that i had crafted at the blacksmith and rolled reduced level requirement on.
Then I focused on get getting the first four chapters done to get the free set. With the free set you can usually run T6 and above. The free set was Natalya’s which I couldn’t get to work that well. So I used it to get the Unhallowed Essence set which is the best for farming T13 - T16 and GR levels at up to 90 where the legendary drop rate is max. This has resulted in several useful ethereals (and several not so useful).
The point is not to brag but to point out that apart from maybe having a bit of luck in levelling up it’s much about being able to run content at a reasonably high level at a reasonably good speed to get ethereals. I’m not saying that even if you do that you’re guaranteed to get the drops. Some player will, sadly, always have extremely bad luck.

This has, generally, always been me for whatever reason in most Blizzard games, especially WoW… (still trying to get Invicible after YEARS of farming weekly, but whatever.)

I rolled a Necro, mostly because I wasn’t pleased with any of the sets and I can’t stand a DH personally, and I hadn’t played a Necro since they were released and figured this wasn’t the worst time to just have a little fun getting a half decent set. Sadly I didn’t realize the Necro set was as meh as it was for my particular playstyle, so I’ve been rolling a Scythe LoD build that has been better, but still doesn’t do well in the higher rifts. Read here that I just kinda suck with Necro but am, at this point, kermitted.

I am not giving up by any means, but the point I really wanted to make with the post is that you shouldn’t be able to cheese this system the way people are. Call it being creative or thinking outside the box, but it’s really just a system work-around and it hits people that can’t smash on the game because of time constraints or even familial commitments. I love Diablo, and this season is my favorite in terms of having to play to get anything good and not just a powerhouse set thrown your way for so little work. Just the ~1% chance for an ethereal drop at 70 when it feels like it should be 5-10% (even if it isn’t guaranteed to be your class, that’s fine with me) is kinda hitting the low end of my care to play pool.

Just my thoughts as a noob player, I suppose.

Funny season

season 25

Season of stacking: all effeckts in cube and on gear STACK!!


This is the method I used. Worked like a charm; can attest this is the way

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It’s a pity after all the work in collecting all the Etheral weapons, they disappear at the end of Season. I hope Blizzard will reconsider.

I hope not. They’re way too overpowered to keep.

Well, both yes and no. Looking at your season DH, you haven’t been lucky with the ethereal drops. I’ve managed to do a GR133 on my DH a couple of hundred paragon points ago. Going a couple of levels higher shouldn’t be too difficult but after that even the great power from the ethereal weapon won’t make it that easy. It’ll start to involve more and more fishing. Likewise my wizard has done a 138 after a few tries, higher than that is going to take more work. A few thousand paragon points more would help of course.

Yet even though that ethereal has useless power and passive and the other gear is mediocre at best, I was able to do GR110 in 5 min before any augments and with little over 1100 paragon. That’s way better performance than in non-season with augments and higher paragon.

They are overpowered, period.

The only bonuses of this season that relate to non-season I can think of is the ability to upgrade gems further than normal, and to augment gear that might be used out of season.

If for example, your Bane of the trapped was difficult to take beyond 130 off season (to quote a random figure) this season should take it to 140 at least, if you’ve come a long way. same with gear augments.

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… and the wonderful transmogs :rofl:

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