Season over, weapon gone

Well, i understand that my angelic weapon couldn’t be transferred to the normal game mode, but why didn’t it just get rolled back to it’s normal or primal state before sending it to my mail?

Now my character has lost it’s weapon, and i had a second non angelic one but sharded that one because i didn’t foresee this happening.

It would’ve been nice if i just could’ve kept my weapon instead of getting nothing.

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… if you’d have read the season 27 patch notes?
… if you’d have played just a bit more in season to get more spare gear ( your profile shows 494 paragon points).
… if you’d asked for advice here or somewhere else in time.

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If only.

Though i would’ve settled for a message when the season was ending with the 60 second warning as well.

Of course it’s sad that you weren’t fully aware of the consequences of season end. Nothing else to do but farm rifts and greater rifts at a suitable level and hope for a good drop. Gambling for weapons at Kadala is expensive in blood shards. You can also craft sovereign scythes at the blacksmith and upgrade them in the cube to legendary weapons.

Whenever Kadala says “what a steal” she isn’t referring to the items we gambled for with bloodshards. She’s cynically talking about the hard won bloodshards she took in return for junk.

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To MostroW. There are lot’s of guides on how to play the different classes and builds on D3 (maxroll, icy veins, youtube). They are good for inspiration at least. In the beginning it will take some time to get real strong (don’t use Stricken gem unless you’re pushing high greater rifts. The gem only works on one monster at the time no matter how many you are fighting). You should prepare for next season. It’s going to be a blast.

I was using Icy Veins before and highest rift i did was 83 i think, it was all pretty doable, needed a bit more toughness to reach higher.
But seeing i started three days before season end, i think i did pretty well. (or well enough)

Next season i’ll have a bit more time to prepare.

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Raxxanterax, one of the guys behind Maxroll, has a great youtube guide on how to start s28 with a necromancer.

If you don’t know him already he’s easy to find on youtube. His channel has lots of good stuff about D3. There are other good sources too of course.