TAW is looking for seasonal players

< TAW > are open for applicants for season 22.

Structured leadership
Group oriented gameplay
several events per week

We are open for both casual, semi-hardcore, and veterans, and plan to tailor squads based on preference.

In order to have a stable and healthy clan, We require applicants and members to maintain a minimum 50% attendance over a 90 day period.

We expect members to excuse themself if they cant make a practice ahead of time, so officers can plan ahead.

please consider your availability before submitting an application.

What can offer you?

structured leadership team and event times. We meet up at 21:00 and begin to organize teams for group play

A steady clan with a good community and good clan atmosphere.

focused attitude during progression, and relaxed attitude during farm content. We like to chat and have fun but focus during difficult content.

desire to progress. We run optional events during the week, so you are able to pick up attendance if you missed a main event practice.

What we want from you:

High attendance .

We expect a minimum of 50% attendance over 90 days, though most of our members have near to 80 %. we are currently expanding our roster to be able to set up teams with Squad and field leaders in the future

Commitment .

We don’t want someone who is looking to join, get geared and then leave. We have a 4 events and merit trial period while we get to know you and your comitments.

Honesty .
If you’re having problems within the clan, or have real life issues, we’d like to hear rather than you just disappearing. Talk to your chain of command.

Be prepared!
This means having keystones ready for the main events, have your character optimized to pull your weight, and have the correct mindset of the task at hand.


We want you to know how to communicate both verbally and in writing. We have a TAW Discord for Diablo 3 that we use for our members and a platform for members to connect.

We are sponsored by Teamspeak, and all main events will be connected to teamspeak communications.

Progression oriented attitude. Everyone makes mistakes, but learning is part of progression, so we value people who continue to improve over time.

If you have any questions regarding your application, please dont hesistate to contact an officer.

What we require from you:

Be able to understand and speak English
Have a mic, be mature, active, and respectful to others
16 years of age

Want to see what we’re all about before you apply?

Join our discord: mUcQsB7

How to join:

Go to http://taw.net/user/application.aspx
Fill out the application, put Diablo as your game.

Any other questions or concerns? Contact me on email: Altaria@taw.net

[Altaria] - Commanding Officer.

Battle.net ID


Let me help you out by making that link clickable for people…
Good luck with your recruitment.

Good thing i found TAW, the only clan ive been able to actually push GR 140+ =)