There was a problem sending a chat message to your clan. (Code 319012) 08/08/2020

I post one more time because I think my post above was missed

Clan: :D30C:the outcast

Issue: zero clan members avaible whole time , no access to clan main page, trying to communicate on clan chat results in error 319045, no loot list from clan members i do provide also video of ongoing issue in this link diablo 3 clan erorr - YouTube

It is going on for over week now Clan members and Clan master all have this issue please i humble ask for your assistance

Google translate…

For my part, I was able to validate a 123 this morning around 3am, and a friend currently cannot validate :(, so the bug is random ???.

RafaleInside’s post is regarding the fact that GR clearances are sometimes not being recorded, i.e. it should be moved / merged into…

It has nothing to do with clan problems.

Your clan was added already prior to your post here :slight_smile:

Recently started seeing clan messages from my clan members, but I still cannot talk in chat despite having privileges to do so :<

Hi, I’m the leader of the Clan Skelleftea Gamers. We are a small off only 9 people, but only 3 members currently active. And the three of us all can’t see our identified loot in the clan chat. We can still type messenges to each other, and we get no error codes. But is it a known problem with the loot not appearing in the clan chat?

WinterED work is not complete, but it’s great that you’re seeing some improvement :slight_smile:

simpan your guild has been escalated, thank you.

We have a simuler issue in our clan “Sync”. Have been the case for weeks. The case for all members (135) is that you cant see/use the clan chat (yes its enabled so you can). Its showing 0 online 0 offline. Cant even open clan tab. If a player leaves and re-join the clan chat is working and he can ONLY see the members that have left and re-joined. 70 have so far, and everything working for them. BUT when i search for the clan its saying 135 members. i can only see those 70 in total tho. How will i ever be able to notify them to leave / re-join og kick those who dont leave. And will it say full when reachging 150 on the “search clan page”?. Can you add me to the list in ordert to sort it? Do youi need more from me?

For those whom it still concerns, 319012 can be solved by asking your officer/clan leader for you to rejoin your current clan. This solves the not being able to talk in clan chat problem, but clan roster being an absolute mess/bugged. etc other issues, such as GR achievements, and other major issues concerning this season are still not fixed.

Bare in mind there was a post from a clan leader that said they were unable to invite people to join their clan, so if you leave your clan, it’s possible that your clan leader will not be able to re-invite you.

Yes. Naturally, before doing anything or asking your clan leader to perform a clan action, make sure they are able to do said action - .-

So any news when problem will be fixed ?? Because it is still present !

Two weeks have passed, have you managed to localize the problem? I have one suggestion - some of the clans have not completely broken down - there the leaders can remove and accept new members into the clan. In my clan, I cannot do this. I assume that the problem is not with the clans, but with the rights of the players. Perhaps due to the fact that some, like me in the past, changed the battle tag. Can you check it?

Hello Demon

We continue to work on this. If you’d like to try something while you wait, reset your password, however this is not a sure-fire workaround. Thank you all for your patience while this is resolved.

Unfortunatelly, it did not work ((

The same happens on my clan… i send mail with pictures to assistance and nothing happens… i writte on eu and American forum and nothing happens… Clan and comunitys are bugged… PLEASE BLIZZARD TO MAKE THAT PROBLEMS EVERYTIME YOU MAKE A MAINTEINANCE, !! DONT TOUCH NOTHING MORE!!! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 3 weeks is more that a patience, weeks means one more time as on december any person or Blizzard hear us… Just send a email explaining make the same things all the time… things that are not usefull for abosolutely nothing!!! Be serious please!!!

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They don’t do anything just because they don’t know what to do.
My clan had enough of that bs and we were basically forced to remake our clan (great solution).

Today I was running grs with my guys and one of them during the rift got an error saying something like “you were disconnected by administrator…”, very nice

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Any news on this?
Our clan [D3OC]The Outcast is complety shut down for 2 weeks now. Nobody has access to the clan from leader to normal members.

Any update @ Rejuvithorn? I’m clan leader of [D3OC]The Outcast and still can’t access clan. We’re haemorrhaging members as they are leaving the clan and requesting to rejoin but I can’t accept as I can’t see anything clan wise. Absolute shambles for this to still be ongoing a month later

@Rejuvithorn : hello.

Please add :

  • Error Code : 319045
  • Region : Europe
  • Clan : FOG (Friendly Old Gamers)

Worst part is… many members of this clan have been getting this error for 15 days or so, but some only recently (“a few days”). I’ve suggested changing the password and leaving clan/re-joining… not sure what steps, if any, they have done. I pointed out that leaving clan was risky because some clan cannot add “new” members even if the clan is not full.

Here’s a screenshot of the clan details… just in case you need it:

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Hi : just thought I’d share a “trick” that our Blizzard Customer Support person suggested… pls don’t shoot me, I’m only the messenger. :slight_smile:

My translation to English:

If you are the Clan leader, perform a search on communities and stay on the list you get from the search for 3 or 4 minutes. This may seem strange, but that solved it for some players.