Two very irritating couch coop bugs (and third about bad game design)

Hi, I don’t know how and where to report it so I decided to write about it on forum;

There are two major bugs in D3 PS4 couch coop and they need to be fixed;

  1. When one player is clicking on Hedrig’s shop while the second one is simultaneously clicking on Kadala game froze

  2. There is sometimes problem in couch coop with resurrecting character next to it’s corpse during GR - it seems to be frozen; when that happens the second player needs to teleport to the city and only than the other one is resurrected correctly
    (And yeah, I know that the simplest solution for that is just to not die during GR and the problem is gone, but it’s not a point :wink:

Hope to be fixed soon

PS there is another, third irritating thing in couch coop , but it is not a bug, but a bad game design that should be fixed IMO too. Mainly, the coop players shouldn’t be forced to do challenges solo to complete it. When two people decide to play together they are playing only together with that particular characters to keep the same paragon’s level and the relatively same strength to make play equal for both couch coop players (for ex. I am playing with my GF with one particular character and only wit Her, while I have another account on my PS4 with my character that I play alone). You can easily notice that pattern when You encounter another coop players online - they usually have more or less similar paragon’s level; and that is why it’s ununderstandable for me why design to force them to do things that look like these:

  1. First needs to disconnect and wath for several minutes when the other 9ne iv completing a specific quest solo
  2. They needs to quit the game and go to main menu
  3. The second one needs to open the game and complete task solo, while other one is wathing
  4. He needs to quit to main menu and than they both can starts a game

A lot of tottaly unnecessary effort and clearly bad design, don’t You agree? Especially when You won’t be able to do any challange faster playing coop than solo because we have to move on one screen, so we are unable to split to cover more ground, and the monsters are stronger than playing solo; but it can be debatable, I understand it - so let’s say ok, We can skip doing seasonal solo-only-tasks because that are not so important for us at all. But we have to at least every season complete GR 70 or higher solo each , to unlock primal aincent gear. And that one thing is something that really I don’t like a lot and it should be reworked for sure

How about…

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But there is no rush to complete the solo stuff, besides GR70, but if you really want to rush that start season with a class that can do that while sleeping on the keyboard ( monk ) or monk even.

Once you cleared that just start any class you really want to play, don’t really see a problem. This season monk is just rediculous, got my 4 year old girl to clear GR 90 with a para 600 monk and no ancient items.

Please check the dates on the threads you’re replying to.
This one is from November 2020, i.e. 10 months ago.