Why doesn't solo and group gr have separate paragons? Leaderboards are a joke because of this

Title says it all. Why do rat runners get to compete in solo gr leaderboards when they’ve accumulated paragon levels 100x faster than you would in normal solo play. Top100 is full of people with 60 hours played and over 3k paragon levels, it is so stupid.

In season you can play SSF. Solo self found.


I wonder how many leaderboard entries are bots or automatons, modded, or whatever you call them

the idea is to play SSF, but solo self found is fundamentally broken since paragon is shared between characters, so you are forced to play the FOTM class to level paragon, then play whatever you want to play… so its fundamentally broken and a complete fiasco.

is it “better” than the regular ladder? nah. it does make people feel like they are playing an even playing board, but at the end of the season its clear that all the leaderboards end up contaminated…

It’s definitely not broken. You can play any of your favourite classess and be competitive.


Heyy im offended now, i main necro since it was released, this season i have 60 hours played and 2500 paragon now, and im not even trying that hard.
Necro speeds are just 150% to 200% faster than solo, not 100x :smiley:

There is no point in looking at leaderboards in PVE games, top scores always will be streamers, nolife, cheaters, or some random dood who has 400 spare GR keys to get good RNG.

Leaderboards were a joke ever since they added necro, and you woke up just now? :smiley: