Will there be body customizations?

I am not very in touch with the blizzard games anymore at my 35 but i always come back to check diablo news and even though life is in the way the one game that will play will be D4 and i 'm actually making plans in my mind on how to play it in the future among kids and stuff.

I always was in love with this particular class and i was wondering if there will be a slider or different body customizations.

Also please bring back the old feel of diablo, i think less cartoonish and more grimdark is what fans are looking for.

I’m sure a huge amount of D4 players will be around your age and older… much older :slight_smile:

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Diablo 3 is no more cartoonish than watching Looney Tunes’ Wile E. Coyote get his head smashed in and painfully die at the bottom of a ravine.

‘Cartoonish’ is a state of the mind in the moment of dealing with horror.