WTH with 5am restarts?

It is the second day when at ~5am you do restarts on your backend server part, rendering my game totally unresponsive. I move arround the map, mobs attack me, but can’t use any spell, tp, etc.
Nothing in the character spells doesnt work. No evada, no teleport, no spells. HP Potion works, and also I can “tp” if I open the map “M” and choose a hub there. But still can’t use any character spells.

Come on Blizzard, online with maintainance windows at 5am without any notification, really ?

According to your EU heroes…

Last updated on 16 Apr 2023 21:42 BST

Last updated on 19 Apr 2023 20:57 BST

Last updated on 01 Apr 2023 17:08 BST

…you haven’t played the game in roughly 6 weeks.

At a guess, this is about Diablo IV. In which case, a simple search…

The very first link returned…