3 changes that will make the game perfect

I can’t help thinking why everyone including me are in love with peo 2 and are bored of diablo. I’m actually more susceptible for diablo because I’m 40y and don’t have time or patience.

So? 3 things that I’m missing that can change the game to be perfect even without seasons.

  1. The skill tree sends you to specific builds. If they add more branches and allow more synergy it is going to be challenging and interesting.
  2. The end game still lacks very much
  3. The combat is a mess when you get movement and attack speed to be high you just grind monsters, which is good, but without even seeing what goes on in the screen. It’s just clicking the mouse with zero thought, and I mean it, zero thought.

Oh man how I wish at least proposal 1 was being developed. The game feels close to beta for me with this respect.


path of incel parrots

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With skill tree i agree
it could be more branched out this is very limited.

Endgame is for a D4 as a casual game okish few tweaks here and there but it’s ok.
What i like to see more of is to actually let us craft item from scratch to make it powerful.
Cause masterworking and the other thing is not very APRG crafting it feels more like different way of enchanting.

And with movement speed and combat i agree on spiritborn i was so fast that i don’t know but servers didn’t registered what i did :smiley: so if felt like lagging but i was not having any lags.



Yes it gets crazy. You become like a demon. Unstoppable and don’t mind any details

Not looking for perfection here.

The only real change i’d appreciate is taking glyphs beyond 100. Maybe 120

Edit: Also extend to T5

Wait hold on, u say the combat is a mess when u get attack speed and movement? Then u say there is basicly too much clutter on screen? Are u sure u play PoE 2 because there is more clutter and the spell visuals there are non existent.

Yes I mean it. From my experience casting becomes so frequent with such large area that you can’t see anything. Example, the dungeon with the council don’t remember the name, you just click until it’s over. Just think about it for a sec, reduce cast speed, reduce monster number. Make them stronger. It could be amazing. I love diablo and will always play it but it’s a disaster

I wish i could see as many problems as you do.

I mean it.

No , really I do

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Don’t get me wrong. I love the game. My new barb is lvl 54. But it has a lot to improve