About Bone Necro's Design(Splinters / Spear)

…it is awful and super uncomfortable! Note that I actually like Bone Spirit and the entire Ossified (crit) dmg thing. Let me just quickly explain, while comparing to other similar abilities on Necro(Blood, Shadow):

SPLINTERS: They aren’t bad, they just FEEL bad! And that’s because you FEEL like you are wasting stuff if not hitting with all 3(5). Maybe it should pierce or something? Idk, anything to make it feel more comfortable. Keep in mind that it competes with Decompose(which is, in one word, awesome), Reap(another phenomenal ability) and Transfusion(which is at the very least fast, responsive and FEELS fun). Note: Except Decompose, I wouldn’t be surprised if the other three are WORSE than Splinters.

SPEAR: Maybe if it didn’t have that stupid ricochet at the end? Again, it is a powerful skill that can do a LOT of damage(Bone Crits lol), but the Ricochet thing is just stupid. Instead, it should just have a wider hitbox. Let’s compare it. Ok, it is and feels less awkward than Blood Lance, but that’s not a high barrier to clear. Surge is just “wipe enemies” button and Sever fits very nicely with Reap. Not a big fan of Blight, but it don’t feel pointless or awkward, it’s just … mid.

SPIRIT: While I like the concept of it being timed and of the entire “empty / refill” mechanic(All In mentality etc), I can’t help but think it is too item and late game reliant. It is an alright skill for what it should be(big burst), I have nothing against this one.


The Splinters and Spear feel awful(also: no synergy lol)! Who designed them this way and, most importantly, WHY? WHY make the two most used skills so super awkward?

Please help me understand these two skills.