About DC and scroll of escape

Hello all,

was wondering any insight how the Scroll of Escape works in game? heard rumours that it works when you crash or get disconnected? If so, it sounds like a great solution to this problem of dying game/computer/connection related issues.

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I wish it was true, but its not. Blizzard has to do something about it, its just killing Hardcore experience.

This is how it supposed to work but does not.

Can confirm, I have two mates who lost their connections and died three times to it, one died twice and the other died once.

I am still rolling the lottery.

Devs talked today about this during the fireside stream. It will be implemented in season 2. So yea. Gotta wait atleast 4 months before that. Albeit I am happy about it, still should be sooner in my opinion. But whatever. Apparently it takes 4 months to code in something so simple.

I got this famous crash 5 times in 2 hours. Finally i died in one of them.
60 rogue to the box… and its the 3rd one riped by dc’s.
Im just starting a new one, but if i die again i will stop play till they fix or poe2 goes out.
Sadly this stupids bugs and dc’s are ruining my experience.


Hello to all

Do you know if scroll of escape work fine in every situation to avoid death after connection/disconnection prtoblems?

Many thanks

It works 100%. Got dced in the middle of a nm dungeon due to some server problems, logged back in 3 hours later, char safe in town.

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Thanks Ninju good news. Bye