Anyone else run into a brick wall at 80+ NM, and 40+ Pit with fully maxed out stats?

So im running a necro with bone, minions, with out without golem depending on whats going on, fully maxed out armor,res,DR around 30% (not counting situational extras and golem) , 1350 int, 31k life. All gear masterworked to level 6 at least…, im basically always full fortified, have monstrous self heal …pretty good gear i would say top 5% gear.

and still getting random ONE SHOT killed by stuff in garbage tier Pit levels like Level 31…, also in NM dungeons 81+ almost impossible to run …which shouldnt even be possible given the amount of damage reduction i have at such low levels.

1 shot deaths that are not based on human error but fully unavoidable in the situation should not happen at such a low level of pit …or sometimes even in helltide by the Helltide Boss and the Maiden …(far easier to avoid admittedly but it can happen…a micro lag and bam you dead).

How the hell am i gonna get to the last material tier in the pit with the damage output of those beasties??? Do i really have to run a busted meta build? Is the game designed solely for these sweaty people?

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Having the same problem with a full minion build classified as “s” tier.
Level 80+ NM getting difficult and lvl 40 pit is very hard. So yeah i need a bit of help as well.
Build by wudijo i think.

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It is useless to run Pits because of onehits. I play DS Dust Devils barb with 150.000 attack power and the bosses over level 70 pits are oneshotting. I give up don’t run pits and don’t try to master new ubers. Playing with old ones and playing much less.
S4 was good but surely they must ruin it somehow. They did just same mistakes after PTR, nerfing builds and buffing bosses, so game is over again. Allmoust all new items are worse than old ones.
I just hope when I start to play S4 that it should be so good at it seems to, but I was wrong, they don’t learn nothing from D3 PTR.
I have to say one thing. When I play PoE or LE the Teams lissen to us and they publish patchs very fast. Blizz don’t fix nothing fast, it takes months when they try to fix something.

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Brother! It should be that you don’t have enough damage, but in fact most can’t get to the point where there’s not enough damage, and the whole problem is survival and dumb balance when you’re killed with a punch! This is unbearable!

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Cleared 100 dungeons pretty easily and lvl 70 pit but that was difficult. Older player so not really quick. Using - season 4 summoner by VEGA.
Pit variant.

not running minions but blood lance, can clear nmd 100 with the shittiest gear i had lying around