Aspects of Explosive Verve and Surprise with the Exposure Key Passive

Explosive Verve makes Grenade Skills count as Trap Skills and the Aspect of Surprise drops Grenades upon Evade or Shadow Step, however these dropped grenades (which should be now counted as traps) don’t proc the Exposure Key Passive, which reduces Trap Cooldown and drops additional grenades upon Lucky Hit.

I tested it and it seems to not be working. Is this a bug?

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Why would it work? Those greandes are from a proc and most likely are not even treated as a skill by the game. That aspect basically adds the trap tag to Smoke Grenade.

Ah, I see another thinking outside the box as well @Aum :slight_smile: . I have been hoping to put together a fun grenade and trap build. This potential bug prevents me from doing so.

Verbatim from the Explosive Verve aspect, " Whenever you arm a Trap or drop Grenades, you gain [10-18]%[+] increased Movement Speed for 3 seconds."

Verbatim from the Opportunist’s aspect (one I was hoping to incorporate into my build), " * When you break Stealth with an attack, you drop a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades around your location that deal [X] total Physical damage and Stun enemies for 0.50 seconds".

The verbiage in these aspects makes it appear as though they synergize. Would be great if Blizzard intended for this to be the case – hope this raises awareness.

I’m planning on doing some testing of my own, as well.

I tested this with the snare glyph, the grenades from aspects are not made into traps. However “dropping grenades” still gives you movement speed.

(The radius was not increased of the grenades)

The reason it would work and SHOULD, in fact, work is bc of the way it’s description is clearly worded - “…grenade skills count as trap skills. (Followed by a new sentence, denoted by the period, which says as follows…) Whenever you arm a trap or drop grenades, you gain movement speed.” This first part seems straight forward, but is a tad ambiguous at first, as it leads one to questio :thinking:grenade’s’? But there’s only one grenade skil…oooh unless it means…" at which point the sending sentence proceeds to [not] clarify, though in a passive, (pun intended), manner.

I.e. - in stating that, explicitly both, any trap (poisn/'trops/ult) and dropping grenades (very deliberate choice of words, rather than, “casting smoke bomb”) means it’s referring to ALLLL grenadeSSS, upon whence thyne “S” is used for signifying plurality.

This is applies movement speed when using the vicious heart that drops [x#of] stun grenades in lucky hit, and other skills with similar procs, however, it does not seem to do the first sentence in any way.

DEF a bug imo [or an absurdly silly oversight by Blizzturd] but either way, deserves much more attention for a seemingly straightforward/simple adjustment.

Sry 4 walling

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I wondered the same thing, but then I realized that other than stun grenades dropped don´t have initial lucky hit chance thus they do not work and should not work. The players here who claim that it should work just don´t know how lucky hit works in the first place.

So let me elaborate:
Lucky hit mechanism is pretty interesting. The way it works is that your every skill has it own lucky hit change you can see in the skills tooltip and this is the chance that is the one your lucky hit bonuses are added (not by 10% initial + 10% bonus, but the bonuses added value are taken accord to the tooltip number). That chance is your chance to trigger the lucky hit in the first place, after that you will have to actually trigger the effect.
I.e. your skill has 20% chance to lucky hit which work just like crit, but instead of extra damage you get all of the lucky hit effects that skill can trigger. So lucky hit and lucky hit effect are totally different things. After you you hit a lucky hit your each lucky hit has its own % value to happen.

But the main reason that those particular grenades (and other effects like that one on all character) don´t trigger the key passive is that they do not have chance to trigger lucky hit in the first place because lucky hits are procced by the skills them selves, not damage you make (like crits).

Smoke grenade being your only grenade skill that is the only one of rouges dropped grenades that has a change to trigger a lucky hit. And the aspect of quickening fog drops smoke grenade after you dash, so those grenades can trigger lucky hit even if you don´t use smoke grenades otherwise.

That may sound like the affix is useless, but that is not the case at all and you can use it powerfully, but just not in that particular way.