Blizz Dev just proved you cannot believe anything they say

Being a long time Diablo fan, I feel so cheated. I feel I been so lied to about how we will be able to play this game, our way. I was invited to play both closed alpha and beta, and told by the dev team that we will be able to play our way. We were showed how great each class and custom build we can play. Then, day before game release, we get nerfs to every custom build making every build nonviable to play our way. This is the biggest slap in the face after Dev advertised (and flat out lied) to their Play Your Way customers, to make any custom build in the alpha and beta. Then to make it nonviable with day one patch nerf to all classes.

The Dev team justified it that this is best of the community. Every custom and every build was too overpowered but it just made every class build non viable. It is play their way, not play our way. How detached is this Dev team from their player base? Then, to nerf the barb to the ground on day 2 while people are still learning to play the game. Horrible. What a joke, just before season 1 launch to have the dev team tell us they have listened to the communities feedback. They are even more detached from the games player based. They lied to us again, just told us what we want to hear just to nerf every viable build to the ground. They nerfed fun custom builds from day one, in the game. This was the last slap in the face and lie that I can take from the dev team.

If you are like me, We need a Public test Realm a dev team that does not lie to their community. Have a dev team that makes fun, positive changes to the game from the PTR after commuity feedback.

FYI endgame is level 100 what are we doing about endgame because there is nothing to do after level 100.


The development team is just that ā€œDevelopmentā€ they get told what to do by those above them, to blame the developers is kinda short sighted, you need to be thinking about those that put them on the payroll to start with, those are the bigwigs who make the decisions, the devs are the people who follow orders and do so for the companies direction.


I get that they have people to answer to but I donā€™t see the ā€œbigwigsā€ making nerf ect. decisions, they are more likely trying to get the devs to put P2W in it. luckly they are resisting but the more the player base leaves the game the greater that pressure will become IMO

So tell me you work for the Dev team without telling me you work for the Dev team.
Game developer release a patch which changes a game
When a developer creates a new version of a game (called patch or update), it contains all of the game files. So each patch can be downloaded separately to get the different playable versions of the full game.

When a new patch is available, the client downloads only those files which have been changed since the version the user currently has. For example if in the patch v1.01 only the gameā€™s sounds have been changed and you already installed v1.0, then during patching your client will download only the sound files. On the other side someone who just bought the game will download the full v1.01 version with all of the files.

So a patch is just replacing files, which makes it totally possible for the developer to turn a strategy game into a racing game with a new patch. If the developer replaces the asset files (models, textures, icons, sounds, animations) then you get the same game which looks different. However if the executable files (exe, dll) were replaced then the gameā€™s logic had been changed which makes it possible to get a new game mode, a new champion, new game balance, better graphics or a whole new game.

The direction they head in is what you refer to as a ā€œNerfā€ but quite simply you see it as that as do others because you became accustomed to how the game worked prior to the patch.

Itā€™s Trial & Error phase, they watched over all the builds being made and of course all the damage being outputted, and overall something had to be done.

Personally, i find it infuriating as it stands that the game is catered to those that will just afk in a dungeon while someone runs it within a party simply to power level someone else, i find the entire thing pointless and un-rewarding as i have always grinded, but hey thats just my personal opinion on the matter, im a solo player and will most likely always be.

But as for the decision making process, this is not on the Devā€™s, i do not work for Blizzard yet i do work for Unity as a developer, and i am just being honest in how companies run in general in regard to those of us that add content, if the game is indie then the decision is always made by the owner, after all its his game, he pays the developers to put the work in as he has the hindsight and dream, yet lacks the ability to keep up with all the updates, these updates fall to the developers, and the people that update you on the development are mostly development related but for a different department.

Those that work within the background, prefer to stay in the background.

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Not really, as said above, the dev team mostly tries to do the best with what is available to them. the problem here with D4 is the seeming incompetence of the product team which decided the following:

  • To have no test realm for the new season for players to try out and provide valuable feedback on the mechanics

  • To drop 6000 words horse shit masqueraded as patch note nuking down every class without offering anything in return to make up for the mess

  • Forgetting that not all players will play season 1 and effectively taking down the eternal realm with the new changes

  • Being overall deaf to the cries of the community.

So yea, the developers have no power to change what their management decides. they did not take advantage of how other games (ex.: path of exile) handle seasons and updates and clearly they didnā€™t take seriously the community.

All in all it feels like they scammed us into buying the game to beta test it and no bullshit like ā€œwe are doing xxx for the future health of the gameā€ can make any of us feel better. Instead of blabbing nonsense in their ā€œcampfire chat event bullshitā€ they should take care of the here and now and provide meaningful solutions to this crapfest of a patch/season, here and nowā€¦


Not everyone feels the same as you do or the majority in which you speak of, those of us that dont mind throwing a few Ā£ have no such complaints as we have seen this happen time and time again with various other titles through history, sure there are those that still say its practically still beta, and to a point yes they are correct, but it just recently came out of beta and went straight to live, these changes are not unexpected and overtime things will iron themself out, but if you have no patients for this kind of thing then why on earth did you bother play-testing from alpha and even beta?

There isnā€™t a game out there that went straight out of beta to live and suddenly all the changes that were proposed that would be in the live version were live on the day of release, even after a few weeks pass, updates come and the reason they do is simple, they are watching whats going on and thus these changes were made for the future of Diablo IV, if you question that then i guess you was happy with people knocking out millions of damage and obtaining the highest end tier items within a few weeks of gameplay?

The entire point of diablo has always been about builds/grind/hunting for rares, if you have it all within a few weeks followed by people creating guides in videos in how to do this and how to do that a few weeks after it goes live - if no change is made on blizzards side, then the game will die very quickly as the endgame people are reaching for has long since expired because they have done more than just caught up.

There is nowhere to go or nothing to do once you have done it all, diablo isnā€™t a game based on the principles of speed-running, the entire game is based upon its story and lore and as far as story and lore goes once you have completed the main story and learned all the lore all you have is dungeons to hunt inā€¦ thatā€™s how all diabloā€™s have always been.

Diablo IV is the exception because its more open-world there is no single player lan option, its made so you do compete with other players in PVP and do join up with other people in PVE.

Overall overtime the game will improve as more and more updates will be made available as yet more and more is fixed, whether you see these fixes as nerfs or not i cannot say, all i know for certain is - things need to be ironed out before the game is heading in the correct direction, and this patch was simply part of that equation.

I get people are having a moan about it taking longer to lvl. personally I think it was far to quick to get to 100, I just didnā€™t find it enjoyable to do it and I cannot work out why as I love getting a char in D2 to 99 and there is less to do and its take a lot longer to do

It would be interesting to know if the devs play the game but not as a casual but as the most committed of the player base that has a full time job as they are the people with the biggest issue with the state of the game

Then leave. The community will be better for it. We need positive criticism and not all this hot garbage. Please donā€™t put your verbal diarrhea into digital format. No one here needs to see it. If you have ask for a refund you should no longer have the abstract idea that you are entitled to your opinion. Donā€™t continue to poison our community forums with your negativity. The game has barely been out for 30 days and you are all up in arms.

Give up. You are a quitter and we will be a stronger community without you.

Good riddance.


So tell me you work for the Dev team without telling me you work for the Dev team. The commuity feel betrayed and lied to with their campfire dev streams to take 100 hour in close alpha feedback to then turn around and lie to the commuity about play our way with any build we can come up with having no S-tier build but the the dev team want us to play is stab in the back to the commuity. So yeah give positve abstract ideas be for poisoning the commuity forums with your negativity.

fanboi, dont tell other people to leave, they paid for the game and have their right to express their disgust.


This was proved long ago.

So them trying to make sure no build is overperforming any other build is somehow them not sticking to the ā€œplay your wayā€ mindset?
Thatā€™s some next-level mental gymnastics, seriously.
Because itā€™s literally making sure you can play your way and not have it massively negatively affect your experience.

Now donā€™t get me wrong I donā€™t think there is anything wrong with crafting a build and doing insane damage. its such a small % of the player base doing this that the dev team are definitely in the wrong with these changes. With that said I think you and people like you are part the problem. You no life the game, zoom to level 100 collect dozens of high powered equipment pieces that sync up perfectly to make you super OP and then complain that ā€˜there is nothing to do after 100ā€™
so what do they do? they think that people are getting to max level and OP strength too easily so they make it harder to reach level 100 and reduce everything down so the min-maxers cant 2 shot U. Lilith.

I mean its a tough balance becuase i cant think of what they could add into the game that would be accessible to people who play 6-8 hours a week that streamers and superfans couldnā€™t burn through in 2 days?

Personally I blame the Illuminatiā€¦ not the developers.

You only now realized that? i realized that ever since their diablo 3 release and when they said they will add new content in diablo 4 every season i also knew it was a lie only naive people are still believing blizzard word for word if blizzard is saying anything its a lie by default

After giving 100 of hours to close endgame beta hours of feed back they have removed so many system from the diablo 4 endgame like the runes system, legendary glyph for paragon system that socket into your paragon board, perfect lvl 8 Gems etcā€¦ they have destroyed the game I been play diablo 4 game for over a year now so when I am expressing how disapointed I am it because I was lied to because the dev canā€™t follow thru with what they say and advertise and promised to there super OP fans but sure people like me work full time have 5 kids and we still level to 100 with no problem.

just keep crying wont solve a thing

Facts are they are unprofessional sh!te Devs - who consistently issue UTTER cr@p beta sh!te for us ALL to test? put up with & moan - they DO NOT GAF. Utterly SICK of it.

Quit WOW because of same utter cr@p (well before game went downhill?) - burning crusade, & when supposedly had decent devs, was a UTTER FARCE, no difference, company is a joke!!!
I Would 1000% take a refund, have several chars, all decent levels, highest 94, so I know the game!!!

Oh, & to add: sad mio decided to create a excel sheet, in order to calc ALL deaths from lag/sh!te/game etc cr@ppy - & my game deaths ā€“ it is currently 94.53%, fun fun fun. THANKSs Blizz for mthe SAmE old supreme preforming gameā€¦
To add: I am a 1/2 Dev/Accountant, more so 2 brothers who are Devs with 70+ years combined - so critisims, are wellā€¦ AIMED :smiley:

Get you acts together, FFS!!!