[BUG] Memento Mori passive + Sacrifice Skeletal Mages - Cold not working properly

Memento Mori passive (+20/40/60% bonus to sacrifice value)

  1. Take Memento Mori passive 3/3 (+60% bonus)
  2. Sacrifice Skeletal Warriors - Reapers for 15% shadow damage
  3. Look at stats - 15% shadow damage
  4. Sacrifice Skeletal Mages - Shadow (to enable Memento Mori passive)
  5. Look at stats - 25,3% shadow damage (some math: 15 + 60% = 24)
  6. Switch Skeletal Mages to Cold (Sacrifice)
  7. Look at stats - 15% shadow damage (Memento Mori bugged)
  8. ??

And! Sacrifice Skeletal Mages - Cold (15% to Vulnerable enemies) - does nothing, base 20% value in stats remains the same


Same here, hope they fix this! Playing on Series X.

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1/3 of the passive skills from the tree that apply to minions do not work (dps does not scale, effects are not visible). DPS for minions with eq is a mockery, with +24% damage on the “summon” skill on the amulet, dps for minions increased by 30 dmg… Even though it is direct dps for minions, it looks like the value of 24 has been reduced to 30 % (something around 7.2%) and this is because there is a logic error in the algorithm and all dps bonuses are scaled to 30% for minions. Also, most masteries don’t work for dot dps and minions. Even if you take the legendary master point (15% dps for ech type of summon) it doesn’t work as well. And shadow over time dps, or deal (you and minions) more x% dmg when enemy get shadow dps over time also do not work and scale, also corpuse det when you switch it for shadow, doesn;t get boost dps from shadow afixes… So they realy edited by moderationwith necro. Right now bone and blood is playable.

Now a question, since these passive points don’t work (tested also heal for summons every 5s, it doesn’t work properly either, because the countdown starts when the minions have less than 70% hp, so if you have it to the max, the minions die faster than are healed, another logic bug should heal when the minion takes damage or has less than 80% hp), then how many of them don’t work either, and is that why our minions have no dps!?

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Can confirm, it doesn’t work with Cold Mages sacrificed. I’m level 83, been using it the whole time and just noticed it, oh well.


over 60% of minions related afixes/aspects/items/passive skills and masteries don’t work! I published videos on this topic from time to time and even with indisputable evidence! Then nobody does anything about it, and it is the basic support and power of the necromancer. And so the necromancer has 2 builds that make sense. Where the rest of the classes play in changing builds, creating more and more cool things, and we will either decide on one of the 2 builds that make sense, or we’re just getting tired of max 24 rank dungeons.

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Yup, sacrificing warriors still give you 5% Crit chance instead of 8%

I’m now not getting any bonus vulnerable damage for sacrificing cold skeletal mages, even with Memento Mori disabled.

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How hasn’t this been fixed yet?

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Can also confirm that sac of cold mages disables all other sac bonus from memento mori. This really needs to be fixed asap

Still no fix or updates regarding this I believe?

It is just tooltip bug in town or on horse, when you get outside of town and dismount, you get correct sac bonus value

Mine are always different regardless of being in town or not. Sometimes resistance’s and overpower damage will show but not always, or just a few resistances will show, crit has never showed more than 5% more, frustrating. I’m on console so it’s tough to confirm if it’s actually working.