The mercenary quest Slayer’s Retribution has a bug, where you are told to kill all enemies, but enemies remain passive and cannot be attacked.
Temporary fix for anyone encountering this issue: Simply leave the dungeon via the emote wheel, reset all dungeons, and re-enter. This fixed the issue for me.
I am still having this issue, even after leaving and resetting the dungeon. NPC are still unable to take damage.
3 days such simple bug and no fix…i am having dejavu…
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I had this same issue and may have found the solution. I reset all dungeons and made sure not to skip any cutscenes. Also, I didn’t kill the two guys fighting in the arena when you enter the final area. I’m not sure if it was the combination of steps that worked or if just one would do the trick. Either way that is what worked for me. Hope this helps!
Seems to mainly be an issue with killing the 2 enemies fighting in the arena when you first enter the area with Zormog. This happened to me 3 times, then the first time I ran through and DID NOT kill the 2 enemies fighting, it worked.