[Bug] Werebear form model deformations

I have found this today, I was doing a Halls of the Damned dungeon with the teleporters and every single time I have used a teleporter, after the teleport my head in a Werebear form was dropped inside my chest and my arms also looked weird… After shapeshifting into a Werewolf and then again to Werebear, it was back to normal.

It happens 100% of time after using a teleporter with Insatiable Fury chest armor on… might be happening without the armor on also, I haven’t tested it.

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yes, I have encountered same issue.
I have screenshot of bugged out werebear

It looks like you get transformed back to human form but with werebear textures.

What fixed it for me was to respec ´from “Earth Spike” over to “Wind Shear”.
Maybe it was bcause the legendary needs to registrate a form switch into your human form in order to apply it.

It happens to me every time I use a teleport. From november and they still don’t fix it :frowning:

The game will soon be a year old, but Blizzard still hasn’t fixed the bugs with displaying the bear or wolf. Either a bear with a weapon in his hand, or a wolf with a head like he’s on drugs.
How long should it take for the developers to fix obvious problems? So that the skills would work as written on them?