[Bug] Werewolf companions stuck in air

Hey, I have discovered a bug with “Your Wolf Companions are now Werewolf Companions…” aspect.

Whenever I have this aspect equipped and I use Wolves spell, sometimes the Werewolves get stuck in the air and they can’t do anything, they just stay there…

This wasn’t happening with Wolf Companions, only with this Werewolf Companions aspect.

I think it only happens in dungeons and cellars, but I am not sure… I have been playing with that aspect for like 2 hours and I have experienced this bug 2 times, one in cellar and one in malignant dungeon.

In the cellar, only one of the 3 Werewolves got stuck and in the dungeon, 2 out of the 3 got stuck in the air.

EDIT: I think it mostly happens either when those Werewolves land on top of the enemy, they will remain stuck above them and can’t do anything basically and I also think it happens whenever you use the Wolves spell when on top of stairs or some kind of elevation.

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I have had this happen as well though it happens with normal wolves too just not as often. Its when you trigger their attack and they leap at the target (so underground zones it happens more often) and they stay there until you move far enough away to force them to teleport to you. It happens more often to werewolf pets I think because they are taller.
This takes them out of the fight and can have a big drawback on dps.

I have the same issue, when I’m using the active skill of the werewolfs, they usually stuck in the air during the jump. It seem to me that there are more levels in the map and they might stuck on an upper level mid air. They are useless there because they don’t do anything.