[BUG] Wolves with Aspect of the Alpha are bugged / broken

Hey there,

playing a blurred beast poison focused werewolve with wolve companions since level one I finally (at level 71…) got my first and long desired “Aspect of the Alpha” aspect only to find out that this completly bugs out the wolves skill.

  1. when you use the active part of the skill, the “jump attack” command most of the time my werewolves do nothing at all, or only 1 or 2 of my 3 will jump but miss horribly dealing zero dmg and putting the skill on cooldown while the other(s) are simply ignoring that command (no, they are not CCed at that time).
  2. after using the jump attack more often then not at least one of the wolves gets stuck in mid air over the target refusing to move or fight until i move away far enough to get them teleported back to me, very very anoying
  3. IF they actually do react to the command and jump at the target and hit many times it seems they deal 0 dmg (no numbers pop up, healthbar isn’t moving at all)
  4. also they do spread rabies, they do this very rarely and with long delays (feels like their internal rabies cooldown starts as soon as they enter combat and they have to wait ~15 seconds before it is ready). most of the time the fight is over until you hear (and see) the bite animation that would apply it for the first time

All in all this is a completly useless and inconsistent aspect in its current state with incredibly low drop rates. Just by reading it i thought it could be as build defining as the blurred beast aspect and enabling an “alpha wolve / pack leader” centered build, but nope it is pretty useless (at least those beasts look cool, eh?).

Also, not a bug but a report on the same matter:
even with all companion boosting aspects equiped and even the companion glyph they still deal no noticeable dmg at all making those builds completly useless after level 50+. So you are way better of using those 3 slots and glyphs for better ones and skip them completly :(.
The only item that is missing is that unique that turns them into storm wolves but I don’t see how this will make a noticeable difference. Also this would lock out 4 slots just to make terrible wolves a little bit less terrible-ish.
Really want to make these work but not in its current state.


agree on all points

I really enjoyed companion build, however, with all those bugs…I’m tired of the lack of damage or so many bugs around this gameplay.

the worst part is…it’s so expensive to respec that I gave up my druid for now.
I wanted to try out some different skills and gears, but to respec paragorn/skill table is just out of the roof expensive.
In addition, if I respec and change gear but in the end I regret it and want to set all back, it’ll be impossible, one respect is expensive, imagine two for the same char just to play around.

I agree on all the prbolems with wolves. I would say dont give up on your druid. You can get emough gold to respec in and 1.5 dungeons. Its not that expensive to respec.

Im over sitting on 50million gold and im not even level 80 yet

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I had the same bug. Very frustrating after spending the time to gear for this build.

I’m having the same issues - @devs could we get at least some info if the werewolf companions (with aspect of the alpha) are working as intended? Because then, those of us holding their breath can just focus on other aspects.

And just to chime in with some of the other things I’ve read online - even if they would trigger Rabies from the start of combat on their first hit, it would likely be so underwhelming compared to any other druid build- I would suggest something else for them- perhaps have them apply vulnerable also? They can’t hit a lot, so it wouldn’t be that much, but it’d at least be something.

If you want to do a budget respec… just swap out alpha and stampede for resource generation aspects like Umbral and [aspect that restores spirit when you heal 25%], and swap the wolf skills for poison creeper…

I’ve found this to be WAY stronger than companion WWs by miles… with Mad Wolf’s Glee, and +3 Shred and +3 Rabies on my items, the poisons stack and clear most mobs… and the Blurred Beast just lets me dash through the pack on repeat.

Agree. Same problem here hope Blizzard will fix it in next patches

Completly agree with this. I was really looking forward to this aspect but when i finally got, i was very disappointed, i have experienced all of theses issuse and they all happen very frequently, and because of it this aspect feel very lack luster, i hope this gets a fix in the future but feel because most people aren’t talking about this it will get overlooked :frowning:

PC Druid Werewolves companions always get stuck in the ground and spawn under the floor!

Bump to get some attention on this. The storm wolves is the build i like to play but due to all of the consistent bugs with the build, its rather frustrating. All of these bugs have existed for multiple seasons. Rather pathetic that they design abilities and skills with synchronization in mind but are too damn lazy to test to see if it functions.


Why is the team ignoring this? What’s going on with the game???

This goes further deeper than you can imagine. I have discovered an incredible variant for the companion build with these wolves and creeper, but due to the number of bugs locking out what SHOULD work that doesn’t is destroying everything companion related.
I have a post about it as well in the forums under Extensive Bug Report.