Changes to game since i last played

Haven’t played for quite a while but when i did so quite a few things seems to have changed.

  1. I use to have a lot of gems of various grades stashed away in my chest but when i started playing again, all these seemed to have disappeared. Could i have been mistaken (i don’t think so), or would that have something to do with the changes in the game?
  2. Last time i played, all my items would have +1 or +2 to various skills. I’ve noticed that the equipment i was wearing have attained these but they now show the items with a “legacy” flag, and all new items i pick up no longer have these bonuses. Haven’t decided whether i like these new stats on items now or not. Maybe i’ll eventually get used to it and will be able to make some improvements. Either way, i guess it’s just something i have to live with now.
    Well, that’s only 2 changes i’ve commented on. There may be more that i’ve forgotten about or not noticed yet. I’ll get to those when i come across them or remember.