Constant Disconnects

also have a problem

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A very helpful Blizzard Technical Support staff helped me finally find the source of the problem (for me): lost packets due to ISP routing. I first tried to use a VPN, which worked at first, but eventually started failing as before (I haven’t taken the time to figure why yet). I’m now using a Version hotspot (our ISP is T-Mobile) and I’ve had no disconnects during many hours of play. This is the Connection Problem ticket I posted.

Same happening on my end as well.

First 2 weeks of playing little to no problems.

Thereafter disconnect galore, sometimes i can play for an hour until i get my first dc other times i get dc’ed 5/6 times an hour.

Really is killing my enjoyment of the game and am considering just not playing until this is sorted.

I have been having this problem also. I was not able to enter a dungeon or tp anywhere. Just changed the game to windows and it stopped crashing. No idea if this can help someone else, hope it does.

They won’t because of forcing their online bullshit on everyone.

Okay, it looks like i am not the only one, who experiences this issue.

Same issue here.
It worked fine the first couple of days/weeks, but lately I keep getting huge lagging and disconnect issues.
My ping will be steady at around 50-60 and then all of a sudden just jump to 900+ for a few seconds and then back down.

Same issue here, constantly disconnecting… I am fed up with this game, 100 euro and we can’t play…its a joke. no refund no nothing.

I had this issue in the PVP Zone, I was farming the blood shards whilst leveling in seasonal, and I had 5 disconnects ranging from 30mins till 1 1/2 hours in -game.

OBVIOUSLY since “I disconnected” those 40k shards I’d gained at one point vanished, and obviously all others thereafter.

This has happened for 2 nights.

I post on the support forum here about the DCs and asking if I’m getting bloods back - not my fault you dropped connection to a persons connection is rock solid fibre… NOPE guess what that post DELETED.

I asked Blizzard Support for a refund, they told me to “do one” because of “extensive timed played”. It’s sub 100 hrs, And I think most of that time was sat waiting at login screen during launch.

I pre ordered and paid AAA price for a game that’s had no real improvement since the Alpha, infact an Alpha + Beta bug that was largely discussed (roof not vanishing on a house that held the store box + wardrobe) was still in the game at launch.

The game isn’t even fit for release atm, it’s at the very best an early access steam green light… and it’s actually not learnt from any other the other previous Diablo botched launches.

As it stands, this game is an insult, and they don’t care because they have our cash.

PS/Edit: I realised since having these issues, that disabling cross play will somewhat resolve most of the disconnects and other laggy type bugs. And my alswer to that would be I shouldn’t have to disable a default on option for the game to be reliable, and considering the amount of people having this option and being resolved unticking, it’s no small “few percentile” and therefore should be fixed, not limit our gameplay options.

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