Impossible to play.
3 Times i try to do the first quest on the ruin and All the Time Out of memory or black screen that need a reboot …
All the Time i play 3 minutes crash 15-35min in queue …
Need more beta for win gift lvl 20 …
TURN ALL GRAPHICS TO LOWEST SETTING. Finally I’ve been able to play without interruption.
I experienced the same thing when I was tinkering with the settings. Low Texture Quality seemed to be consistently stable at anywhere from 7-8 GB of VRAM usage, but would fluctuate up and down accordingly. Medium Texture Quality seems to never decrease in usage (beginning at about 10.5 GB of VRAM), leading to a crash. I will repost my update from my previous post here:
UPDATE 2: I tried playing with Texture Quality set to Medium. It seems to hover around 10.5 GB of VRAM usage, and eventually crept up to 12 GB and hit the critical point where it crashed from running out of memory for my graphics card.
It appears that Texture Quality NEEDS to be set to Low in order for the game to be playable for an extended period of time.
I keep getting a blue screen memory management error after a little bit of time. Has anyone had this happen?
I have 32gb of RAM and I aware of the memory leak issue the game has. Got 8GB of VRAM too. Ive been trying to troubleshoot the issue myself and the best I’ve got being able to play for around 2:30 hours (I thought I’d resolved the issue) only for it to re-occur.
I have had a look and no-one seems to experience the ‘blue screen of death’ so it makes me worry about the health of my machine. It seems to run everything else fine. If anyone has any advice for me I would very much appreciate it.
Going through a spat of paranoia now regarding the health of my machine haha.
When i kill thé démon on the first ruin crash out of memory, reboot, launch the Game, qu’est validated.
I return validate the quest, another vidéo and error.
I haven’t gotten a RAM issues since I changed the virtual ram in windows. Apart from that I also reinstalled my graphic drivers
but no crashes or issues so far, apart from a little lag
Still getting Not enough space issue
well… now the new 24gb and 48gb ddr5 memory sticks finally make sense.
extra for diablo 4 memory problem. so you can easily install 192gb ram.
that will be enough for diablo 4…
There’s a bad memory leak. My VRAM was 22.5Gb just before the game crashed and RAM was 16.7Gb.
I changed settings to all low and now my VRAM is 11Gb and slowly climbing up and up. RAM is still high at 14.6Gb.
It’s a very bad memory leak for sure. I can only play this on low and still my memory is being eaten up.
Sent with TaskMan pics of load and crash.
Ryzen 7 7700X.
RTX 3080.
32gb RAM.
Having the same “Diablo IV has run out of memory and the application needs to exit” error.
Game me the code: E9A82E6D-988A-4E7F-B753-D8A4DF380801
I logged in again and changed the settings to Medium and the game crashed and gave me this code:
Fixed it for me as well
Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory:
Diablo IV.exe (34176) consumed 9912217600 bytes,
WavesSvc64.exe (3652) consumed 1215791104 bytes,
OneDrive.exe (15596) consumed 1170796544 bytes.
My virtual memory is recomended at 5gb and is currently allocating 50gb and dynamic. seems it’s just eating up virtual memory extremely fast.
i7 3050ti 32gb of ram
i feel like its same crash error out of memory error as one dragonflight beta had.
This will be my final contribution. Even with the Texture Quality set to low, there is still a memory leak. I can play for a few hours, but it steadily has climbed from 7 GB VRAM up to 9GB and does not stop climbing. The only thing saving me from crashes at this point are disconnects. Good luck everyone, and if anyone finds a workaround, please post it here.
I lowered my graphics settings to the lowest and enabled low fx. Crashes seem to have stabalized and running at 16gb.
Personally I found the issue for me was the graphics settings and the GPU memory, I have 8gb on my 2070 and as soon as I went from the default of High settings to everything at low the memory usage was cut in half and i was able to play.
I’ve not had crashes as of yet, I think the only thing preventing that is being disconnected every other hour, but the game is being unnaturally, infact unrealistically resource heavy, I also have a 32GB ram system as I can see most people in this thread have advised they also have, and it will hover between 17GB and 21GB on Diablo 4 alone brining my total utilization to like 90%, I’ve never had a game swallow that much memory and it not be a memory leak, but it hits that 17GB mark as soon as I log into the game, The game is also using the full 8GB of my VRAM all the time, I know its not a huge amount by todays standards and I’m not willing to spend thousand(s) on what’s considered e-waste in 3-4 years… I digress… there seems to be some major optimization issues that still need to be flushed out.
I got the same system spec as in the first post with one exception → I’m on Linux, and everything works perfectly, so your problem come from windows which not flushing your RAM.
Conclusion : windows sucks, Linux rules
After a crash don’t see my GPU, my system use motherboard gpu. NVIDIA experience don’t see my graphic card.
Reboot to resolve the issue…