DC deaths with 2 characters. lvl 78 now lvl 81 . What i'am doing wrong?

Any suggestion how to deal with disconnection from the server?
two characters on HC with BIS died.
one have Temerity with 80%
second Fists of Fate with 1-300%
With these things, there would be such a cool build
-170 hours of life
And who cares about the characters. It’s frustrating about the items that were knocked out, which can’t be obtained as easily anymore.
GL. Drop

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make friends and play with Discord. Friends save lives. in hc, also more fun to play with others.

Also hoping that scroll of escape starts to work when crash/DC.

I play without crossplay enabled and never really had server issues… try that?

Doesn’t work for me. 2X of my recent 44/52 have rip from random server issues. Never happens on SC servers.

This does fix a tonne of issues, but my question would be why should we have to disable a by default enabled “Feature” instead of Blizzard just fixing the issue themselves.

Yer agreed!
Just remember its a small indie company.
Hard times energy bills, only food for 1 hamster, old friends came in, locust swarm, not their fault?. :rofl:

They could have enabled a 1 ress each week at launch for HC. If someone die by their own mistake, So be it… but the 10 others that is killed by server ?

call it a scroll or whatever… but if you die twice… Sorry