Diablo 4 Beta - Feedback Thoughts

These are just my personal thoughts and opinions. But, I have tried to be as balanced and fair as possible and [kindly] consider some aspects, such as login queues and disconnect errors, as symptoms of an early access Beta (please prove me right on this Blizzard).

Having got one character (Barbarian) to level 25 (and several hours beyond) and a second character (Sorceress) to level 15, I felt that I had given the Beta sufficient time to give feedback. My friend had also levelled a Rogue to 25 and a Barbarian to 15 and given some opinions too.

In some aspects, I was pleasantly surprised. In others, a little miffed and, in some instances, worried. In summary:

  • Graphically, I felt the game looked great. The aesthetics, especially for dungeons, are a testament to the time and effort taken to develop them. Similarly, with sound effects and ambience. The look, feel, and the sound was just undeniably good. (Ensure you have the 85GB download if your computer can support it).

  • Likewise, the gameplay, for the most part, is very smooth. The combat feels very seamless, and other than some issues entering new zones with rubber banding and weird forcefields stopping you going forward for a while (which I am putting down to Beta bugs, hopefully), it was overall a good experience. (I can’t wait to get mounts, though, with the size of the world).

Thought: Pre-mount, it does feel like quite a bit of open space to cover. Something to possibly think about.

  • The open-world aspect was not enjoyable and somewhat immersion-breaking for both me and my friend. In town, this wasn’t so much of a factor. In the wild, it was. It wouldn’t be a deal breaker, but it didn’t feel ‘Diablo’…

Suggestion: Have a setting that allows private instances for you and your party (other than maybe world boss areas?) so players can have the best of both worlds, depending on preference.

  • Items [quality of] and drop numbers feel poor. I was barely looking at the details for upgrades, and I felt flooded with ‘yellow’ items making them feel like a dime-a-dozen and not at all ‘rare’. No, I do not want a clone of D2, but I did appreciate D2 itemisation much more than any other Diablo game thus far. The excitement of finding a good rare from their much lower drop rate added interest. Equally, for uniques, for example, the rush of that gold titled Shako dropping on the floor hasn’t been matched in any other Diablo game.

Suggestion: Magic[Blue] items need more prevalence at early levels. Rare[Yellow] should feel like strong and significant upgrades to your blues but crucially feel like actual rare finds. And, uniques need - IMO - to have more golden-coloured text, not brown. They should feel special and give excitement. The glowing beam from D3 did add a special element, maybe emulating something similar. But it has felt that the same “Legendary power” could exist on multiple items and that devalues/cheapens the idea of unique items, I feel.

  • I did not like Legendary [Unique] power extraction. Diablo Immortal vibes? It should be the exception, not the rule. See the above point on items; it felt it cheapened the uniqueness of items. This one really worries me, and, of some parallels, the game gave me to Diablo Immortal (and that is a bad thing); this one was one of the worst.

Suggestion: If they want the mechanic, let’s give it some worth and not just have a power you can extract and add back on to another item. Let’s treat them similarly to D2 runes:
White base item has 4 sockets
4 Extracted Legendary Powers
Combine certain ones, in certain ways to create special, powerful items. In the wrong order, you can still have something, but maybe less powerful and ‘cool’.

  • Melee characters probably need a D3 similar passive base damage reduction. Melee ( as in so many ARPGs, I’m looking at you, PoE) felt shafted for many fights. I am aware that on gear, there are specific stats for +% Damage Reduction, but it didn’t seem good enough, and I’m worried it’ll only feel worse at higher levels when enemies do more damage.

Suggestion: Give each class a “grey text” additional stat on magic items+. These could be +% Damage Reduction or +% Global Damage Increase which is on top of any similar stats on items. Casters could have better resource regen as “grey text” for example. For melees, this gives you the option to accept you’ll take [current levels] of damage, but you’ll output slightly more to compensate, or you can reduce damage taken by say 10-40% passively but only output at the [current levels] of base damage. Gives the player some freedom to balance their own playstyle to how they like it.

In summary, I feel like Diablo 4 has some potential to be a great game. I’m interested to see what it’s like in the late game. I hope that PvP will be good and feel like a rewarding end-game mechanic alongside other end-game PvE mechanics they plan to have. There is work, I feel, to do on the areas I’ve highlighted and likely others I haven’t. And, please, please, please. Scale login and auth platforms (and any others required) for release, learn from the Beta(s) and give us a AAA game release worthy of the AAA status.


Waited 120 mins, got an error message and then got BOOTED OFF, to have to wait 155 minutes, if this will be the launch experiance, farewell and good-luck.


Largely agree with this. If I’m going to be forced into random parties with no option of a private instance, I’m flat out going to cancel my pre-order. I don’t Group with Rando’s…Period. Diablo is a solo or co-op with friends game for me, not something I want to deal with random people in. Further I don’t appreciate the massive lag that a populated instance causes.

Agreed fully on itemization. I would argue that even D3 did it better than this. Rares and legendaries should be just that.

Last and a personal nitpick, the Win 7 nag window. There is nothing Win 10/11 can do with a game like this that win 7 cannot. Since you aren’t going to support linux, prompt me once at install and then shut up about it. Much like the public instances, if you are going to nag me every time I load the game on my virtual machine about irrelevant windows nonsense, I’ll choose to play another game. The game runs as smooth as can be expected for a beta on my setup, actually it runs better on my setup with lower hardware than it does on my wifes with win 10. So stop with the nag prompts.

My biggest issues with the game is,

  1. Network issues, yes it’s a beta but they should have be prepared and stop being so cheap on server side.
  2. The dungeons, horrible mechancis.
  3. Horrible UI, with icons with key-information and also the dreadful Inventory/shop so forth screen. Really breaks the immersion.

Then we have the end game and all those mechanics but hard to know what will really happen in the end, doubt it’s great but i cannot flame it yet and won’t be able to since i won’t be buying the game.

Ok game when it works but very generic and bland, nothing new really it’s like all the good designers took a break. Still if you enjoy it good for you, but this game is nothing i wanted from the Diablo franchise and i enjoyed Diablo 1, 2 and even 3.

You don’t group with the people, they are just there too. You have your own personal loot, no matter how many people are around.
And in the wild u dont see many people at all, just at the events and then normally only 2-5.

True in some cases yes, but i did a event with my Druid this afternoon that was really challenging solo (veteran) and then a random low lvl player jumped in and just killed everything. The fight was good and i was just about to finish it on my own. You know that good old feeling you accomplished something and then walla.

I know what youre talking of… But believe me, there is nothing in the wild that you cant beat solo, so it doesnt matter if theres someone around, its no challenge at all.
Except World bosses…
The challenges to play solo or with your friends are the sigil dungeons later on.

Edit: queue is done, back to game now

Maybe that’s the case but if it dosen’t matter why do it? Why is it in the game?