Hello fellow Diablo fans,
I had the opportunity to participate in the Diablo 4 beta, and I have to say, I was left incredibly disappointed. As a long-time fan of the series, I was eagerly anticipating this new installment, but my experience with the beta has left me feeling let down.
Firstly, the visuals are stunning, but the gameplay falls short. The skill tree feels like a step backward from Diablo 3, with limited options and little customization. Additionally, the level scaling system is a complete mess. While I appreciate the idea of keeping content relevant, the scale at which we lose power is ridiculous. It feels like we are becoming weaker as we level up, which goes against the core concept of an RPG.
Furthermore, the NPCs talk at us for far too long, making the game feel more like an RPG with no action. The color palette is also extremely bland and redundant, making it difficult to see what is happening on the screen.
The Druid class is particularly disappointing, with very limited talent options for the Werewolf and Werebear forms. It feels like Blizzard has taken all the least enjoyable aspects of the Necromancer from Diablo 3 and forced them into the Druid class.
Overall, I am extremely disappointed with my experience in the Diablo 4 beta. It feels like Blizzard has lost sight of what makes the Diablo series great and has instead focused on creating a visually stunning game with little substance. I hope that Blizzard takes the feedback from the beta seriously and makes some significant changes before the game’s release.
What are your thoughts on the Diablo 4 beta? Have you encountered similar issues or have a different perspective? Let’s discuss.
it is bad, and no the art/theme does not work well in general. sure they captured the “dark” essence but the contrast, and other nuances feel as if your char is not a separate entity to the environment. it is like controlling a grey rock rolling around a cardboard world.
the char is supposed to “pop” enough to create engagement and feedback/stimuli but this does not happen, which is the reason you don’t feel involved in the game
You said it all bro! I hope Blizz listens.
Ehm … what? Limited options/customization in the skill tree? I’ve spent so much time trying different things and respeccing all the time that I cannot agree on this point.
Melee classes fell a little bit short but they couldn’t complete their class specific quests so nobody actually knows how good or bad these classes will be in the full released game.
And I don’t think Blizzard lost track on the Diablo Franchise. They developed it just in a direction which is obviously not everyones cup of tea. That doesn’t make it a bad game. I enjoyed my time on both weekends but I admit that they have a lot of work to do.
As a long time D2 player, I really liked the beta. Have been playing a druid. I like that it has a story like an RPG. Not too much in my opinion.
I have been playing D3 on PC and console, but (both) didn’t caught me after a while. This weekend i’ve been hooked by D4… every 15 minutes you wanna play turns out to be 2 hours. I did feel like growing stronger towards end act 1. But its about stacking some synergies and the right skills. As usual the gear specifies your strongest skill direction. Everybody is saying some builds are overpowered… but i feels they should all be feeling that way…
Had a tornado build… but found a pulverize weapon.
My pulverize was smacking 1200+ damage… all over the screen. And i felt powerfull during entire Act 1 since i rebuild myself. 3 werewolves with +200% damage.
Therefor its lovely to respec the skills a couple of times. Because its not too pricy.
Also like the options to take the skill from the weapon. to keep the gameplay youve chosen on better weapons.
So far i like it. And can’t agree on the negatives here. I am a single player most of the time. But have enjoyed the group ashava, and battles ive done.
I wish i could move further playing other acts and characters. Sure some changes can be made… but so far so good.
It feels lacklustre.
The game world is filled with so much fluff, while classes feel empty. They’re starved for options, not only in skill selection but also skill slots. Balance is only the tip of the iceberg.
The game looks good and feels good, but classes (arguably the most important part) feel very lacking.
Melee feels genuinely terrible to play and ranged feels like you’re playing on autopilot and gets boring very fast.
Itemization looks good and can only really improve from where we’re at.
The open world is decent, I genuinely enjoy it. There’s a few things that bug me though, like the overflowing amount of dialogue, the unrewarding barrage of side quests, terrible dungeon boss design etc.
I really hope they take a good look at feedback and take action, I doubt much will change in two months because they have a lot of work to do if they want this game to survive past the first month or two.
Better than d2 dogsheet for sure
Once I had maxed out all five classes, I began farming dungeons in D4. However, I found the issue of limited bag size to be unbearable. Although the bag size appeared to be the same as in D3 initially, D4 is an open-world design and therefore should have a larger bag size.
What’s even worse is that in D3, jewelry and gems only take up half the space of gear, with 2 slots for gear and 1 slot for jewelry and gems. If players are forced to either tp to town every 3-4 minutes/ 2-3 times in a dungeon, or have to actively avoid picking up blue/white gear with mouse (although I know about force move) is what the d4 team considers “fun” gameplay. I think I will have to refund and take a pass for now.
It’s a MMORPG not an ARPG.
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Diablo was never meant to be a MMORGP. Diablo IV changed it, and, for us classic players it is just a waste of time and energy.
i.e.; Small level 10 doing a mission, keeping alive fighting with a boss to get an asset needed to finish a mission, me barley alive but fighting - boss at like maybe 5% HP, and some 15+ comes around and one/two hit the boss, killing it and leaving me with total distaste, wasted time, energy. The end prize feels like dogpoop.
Sorry, this isn’t what I signed up for. There should be a way to either play the game alone, or have the ability to play with a party of max 8 players in a team, others shouldn’t be allowed to fight my battles. Waiting around for a respawn is also worthless.
I totally agree with the comment above. I went to the forum to see how other people are seeing their beta experience.
At first I was excited about the game. The story looks great, the whole thing is so pretty dark, but… The more time I spent with the game, the more I felt that the only thing that kept me going was the story. Gameplay was just a necessary evil. Diablo has always been about perfect gameplay, and here something is seriously off. At least for me. I was playing a druid and maybe I was doing something wrong, but for 10 hours I only had 2-3 abilities to use. In addition, the abilities are extremely boring - one builder, one spender and one heal. Tried different builds but still the same.
I understand that the final gameplay will probably be different, but I find it very strange that the player does not have a functional toolkit available after 8 hours and is forced to use 2 abilities.
More than anything, Diablo 4 reminds me of Diablo 1’s gameplay. It’s an extreme old-school simple gameplay and I can’t imagine how that gameplay will hold up against modern action RPGs like God of War or maybe the new Hogwarts Legacy.
Lastly, I would like to mention the graphics. The game really doesn’t look good. It’s gray with gray tones and it’s extremely clear how long the game has been in development. I don’t really feel like I turned on a new game on a next gen console.
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I’ve played Diablo 1, 2 and 3 for 1000’s of hours.
We’ve only seen a fraction of the actual game, it is a beta.
After the 30 hours I spent this past weekend on the open beta, I can say:
It is mouthwatering marvelous.
Can’t wait for the release!
I totally agree with the comment above. I went to the forum to see how other people were seeing their beta experience.
At first I was excited about the game. The story looks great, the whole thing is so pretty dark, but… The more time I spent with the game, the more I felt that the only thing that kept me going was the story. Gameplay was just a necessary evil. Diablo has always been about perfect gameplay, and here something is seriously off. At least for me. I was playing a druid and maybe I was doing something wrong, but for 10 hours I only had 2-3 abilities to use. In addition, the abilities are extremely boring - one builder, one spender and one heal. Tried different builds but still the same.
I understand that the final gameplay will probably be different, but I find it very strange that the player does not have a functional toolkit available after 8 hours and is forced to use 2 abilities. More than anything, Diablo 4 reminds me of Diablo 1’s gameplay. It’s an extreme old-school simple gameplay and I can’t imagine how that gameplay will hold up against modern action RPGs like God of War or maybe the new Hogwarts Legacy.
Lastly, I would like to mention the graphics. The game really doesn’t look good. It’s gray with gray tones and it’s extremely clear how long the game has been in development. I don’t really feel like I turned on a new game on a next gen console.
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i was just bored got to 12 and it was really dragging really had to try to stick with it to get to 20.
i think the classes sum it up , there are only 5, none of them are new,
thers just no vision or soul in it , a faded copy of a copy thats become a little less at each iteration
Blizzard is dead they should have the decency to leave it alone.
Witam, nie wiem jak się skontaktować z deweloperem który tworzy grę Diablo IV wiec piszę tutaj do was byście przekazali opinie do odpowiedniej jednostki.
Przedewszytkim cieszę się ze mogłem w diablo 4 pograć przed premierą i może moja opinia cos zmienić, a może nie.
Grałem chwile nekromanta i chce potem druidem, druid jest ok ale na rozwój trzeba pomyśleć i w pełnej wersji będę nim grał, za to mam parę spostrzeżeń na temat Nekromanty, niby wszystko ok, ale wydaje mi sie ze nie powinno wypadać mięso z którego robię szkielety ze szkieletów i duchów, owszem wszystkie potwory diabły wilkołaki miotacze bandyci co maja ciało to ok, logiczne - padli wiec jest trup można wydobyć szkielet, ale ze szkieleta ?!? albo ducha ?!? trochę to nie poważne, ponadto odniosłem wrażenie ze szkielety są sztuczne, jakieś przekolorowane i kontrastowe oraz wręcz plastikowe, fajnie by było stworzyć dany typ szkielet, np ze człowieka szkielet człowieka, z wilkołaka szkielet wilka, z diabła szkielet demona itd itp. natomiast z ducha - nic po prostu się rozpływa… wiem ze to nie jest odpowiedni dział ale może akurat pokażecie bilardowi moja opinie lub chociaż dacie mi maila gdzie mogą moją opinie po beta teście zamieszczać.
I didn’t play much and uninstalled.
For a price of R$349,00 here in my country (which is very expensive) I was waiting something mind blowing for a 2023 release, with crazy new AI, creativity and things we’ve never seen before in an ARPG.
But, it felt lackluster, bland and flat. It also felt “soulless”, like everything was just cliché and there was no passion at all in any aspect. And after I noticed where it was going, nowhere innovative or new… I just uninstalled after maybe 1h and a half or 2 of playing it.
Short answer, every other ARPG I played there was something new, unique, innovative or risking creativity. And the first few levels were by far a better experience.
D4 was the worst new ARPG I’ve experienced in the last years.
Even Titan Quest was much better.
A huge disappoint. But hey, nothing is lost, they can improve a lot and save the game over the next years.
Right now? I wouldn’t spend a dime.
I wish I could offer more constructive feedback as to why I feel this way but: the game is boring. My partner is a huuuge Diablo fangirl so I stuck with it and played a barb/sorc to 25. She seemed to be enjoying herself enough but as someone without a nostalgic reason to play the game I would never ever ever consider spending $110 AUD on it.
First of all, what bothers me about the game is the weakness shown by the warriors, fortification? look, you see d2 and play without LIFE STEAL, you last 0 to die, on d3 they removed it and that seemed like the wild west only range, in my honest opinion as a devil player since 1997 it is the warrior steals life, if he wanted to play a range play would have played overwacth 2 not d4 and would have saved me 100 euros
Go back to D3 guys. We will not miss you.