Make lost ark style dungeons and raids. Add a passive healer class or 2. Priest or Paladin, Warden or Bard. The solo grinding is wearing everyone out. The Dark Citadel is a good start but we need a healing mechanic to make group play feel worth it.
No thanks, i like playing solo, and any forced group content, including the dark citadel is most unwelcome imo. Online gaming is a pestilence and i am sick of forced multiplayer in every game. Years of elitism, group pressure, toxicity and verbal abuse has completely ruined online gaming for a lot of people, who just wanna chill and have fun. Excluding people from content because they want to have fun on their own terms is just terrible.
By all means, add all the healers and tanks and raids and whatever, but only as long as solo participation is still an option.
…And please, stop trying to make this game a MMO, go play World of Warcraft or something, this is Diablo.
i believe that the multiplayer is key to diablo 4’s success or failure. how it should be made i am less certain of.
i stop wow i hope not bein diablo in wow you not top 1-2 in damage you get kick from group if be vipe them left citadfel is fine hope only be in game
it´s a forced multi game. some people are bottomless pits of need…