My vision of the Diablo 4 endgame as I would like it to be:
- A Paragon 300 accessible quickly so we can take advantage of the full power of our builds.
- The unchanged pit system for upgrading our glyphs.
- Once Paragon 300 is reached, unlock the Zir Abbatoir (Season 2) without the gem, but which would be an event focused on obtaining ancestral items with 1 to 4 greater affixes, scaled across its 25 levels. This would optimize our builds.
A completely revamped citadel event, echoing Malfast, that is: 1 citadel gives access to 6 gates (Fractured Peaks, Scosglen, Dry Steppes, etc.), each of which gives access to 4 dungeons (4-player events) of the same type as the area in question. A chest inside will give you a key. And with these four keys, you unlock the final area where you’ll be invited to fight the bosses encountered during the campaign.
- The return of Stygian Stones to spice up the currently available bosses.
- Everything would be controlled by a ranking of 1 to 4 players serving as a kiki meter.
- A more refined armory for solo builds, speedfarms, and group metas.
- An in-game auction house. A place where I put my items up for sale before logging out and receive my gold the next time I log in. A plus for managing our gold.
- Of course, this is just my vision of the endgame as it should be.
- You’re welcome to submit your suggestions here.
- Because perhaps together we can come up with some good ideas for this franchise we love so much.
- Thanks for reading, it’s your turn.
- And sorry for my poor English.
I disagree with the auction house, it’s too strong. Availability would shoot through the roof.
I have a counter-proposal: We have a merchant, a caravan. We send this caravan on a journey with something like 3 items we select and price. The caravan will then appear randomly in other people’s games where it may be happened upon.
This creates one more event and it let us sell a few things we find, which can alleviate some of that inventory pressure.
I think the pit is fine also. And I think that exp to 300 is a bit too much. I bet u could cut that in half and still most wouldn’t be close getting there. But rather than doing that, cutting xp to level, I think they should improve on xp gained in general areas.
Pit shouldn’t be imperative to reach 300. Rather, imo, the big win isn’t 300 but that u maxed out on glyphs, that’s the big attraction and draw with pit, it doesn’t also have to be the only way to max out the board.
However, I disagree that 300 should be gotten too quickly and easily. It should still be some trek. Just not the endless stretch, the one u die on.
Idk much about the citadel. Tried it once or twice and it’s … so so fun for a couple of plays but i will not recommend going back there. Which is problematic because I’m 100% for things WE do TOGETHER in this MULTIPLAYER game.
But I don’t want instancing too much even. I think it’s a good idea, a citadel to go and test our mettle. Great. But I want more such thing in the game. Events and we do the events, and have use for everyone participating. But idk what that would be really. Like in my mind it should be something they will never make: The war.
Legions invading the lands, must be defended or that village burns for some duration. Like that we was battling evil u know. Stupid idea, protecting the lands together; i know. but still, if u think about it: that’s the premise of this game, that we are doing just that. The evils must be stopped and we are the warriors doing it.
But ideas like this always get shot down in the name of convenience: there may be no burning villages because then there’d be no basic service there and that is seen as disruptive to gameplay. Like that any inconvenience is a disruption. Which is weird since a game is a set of problems to solve, in many ways.
I want to be able to click off a board standalone. And all its connections. And I want the armory to work better. I feel if things are missing since the last save, or whatever the reason they lock it for me, just load the parts possible. let me figure it out. i only use it to switch boards, and i could do that manually fairly quickly if i could just click off a board without clicking every individual node.
Thank you for your post.
Thank you for your reply.
Every idea is worth exploring.
It’s also true that the concept of clans is completely obsolete in this game. Compared to Diablo Immortal, it’s night and day.
Solo players make up around half of D4’s player base. Your citadel idea is good but would need a solo option as well.
my suggestion would be just to think what you would like as a multiplayer user and make the players 1-4 on everything, that way no one gets left out of content like they were for this season.
It is refreshing to see some good reasonable suggestions inhere. I deffinitly agree with the paragon leveling, The grind is unreasonably long, and needs to be faster, particularly the last 75 levels need smoothing out, the curve is just way too steep.
The only thing i disagree with is the auction house. I do not like trading in this game at all, just look at the third market trading as it is, prices are absolutely ridiculous, and the only way any normal person can pay those prices is by buying gold from real money transactions. Everything about trading just invites a floodgate of botting, cheating, duping, scamming, RMT and P2W. Its bad for the game.
Diablo 3 did trading right, i would much prefer to see a D3 style trading system over a Auction house.
Or an auction house from Last Epoch as guild :))) I want to lvl up the glyphs not only in the Pit. Also it must back to the dangeons + add it to Kurast Undercity and Infernal Hordes. To Infernal Hordes I would add more hard tiers.
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Gem conversion - such as when you have hundreds of thousands of emeralds, rubies, and so on, but just a few thousand topaz fragments
I want a material sink that actually provide:
blacksmith should make good things for u if u have the steel. why not!?? i get ONE item? i am not even clicking boxes like that. i still did a couple of times but didn’t get anything so i gave up, admittedly.
more stuff to craft. good stuff. i want something to use the material for. gems too, i got no use for them anymore. has been ages since i needed a gem. they’re bound to stack at some point. i guess that’s what these occult gems are there to do, be a gem sink. they’re terrible salvage so far anyway, cause the rot’s rot. and i’m done with those gems also. if there were more of them… yea, but i’d be done even if there were ten times more because i don’t collect more than i need… i don’t try everything because there’s no point, i don’t want to. And even if there were ten times more gems, we’d have plenty soon enough. They have to randomize the gem values, so we have to reroll our gems. And specialise, probably. Like add allres or singleres. add more or less armor at the expense of res. remove both res and armor but add additional power. They have a lot of flexibility on what to do with gems if they’re variable.