Died on hardcore due to served sided lagg/bug?

I came out of one of those cellar/small caves.
I started walking, continueing my journey.
Like 3 white mobs attacked me, I want to quickly kill them and I noticed that my spell buttons were not reacting.
I was walking very slowly while the 3 mobs attacked me, my movement slowed by about 90% like im walking through poison or something, which I wasn’t, (This wasn’t lagg as the animation from the mobs was at normal speed) im mashing all my spells to kill the mobs but nothing happens.
Im gradually/slowly losing small bits of health.

I normally do not log out from the game, even though I know a boss might kill me. I just continue to fight.
But in a split second I made the decision to log out since I was already at 50% health and my potions were not reacting either.
I open the menu and click leave the game.
I enter the main menu and I get the message that my hero has been transferred to the hall of fallen heroes. Even though I left the game with 50% hp left.
Lvl 29 with 15 hours+ play time dead.

What happened here and can my character be restored?

I had been having some lagg spikes throughout the day, especially when entering and leaving zones. This was not it. My game was fully functional and I had full fps.
And even to lagg I can somehow react by spamming potion.

Pls restore my character.


same for me… run and slow cant pot cant any skill cant do something i tried to press ctr esc and nothing , pressed alt f4 and nothing hapen… esc exit for restart game and the character free move to all of flame lvl 30 character in one minute, how can reach the lvl 100 doing this?

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I believe there is a bug causing occasional freezing of the game client when action wheel is used (I’m playing on PS5). No action can be performed when it happens. I have lost 2 characters (70 hrs) due to the same bug. It’s unfortunate because the game is excellent.

I think this bug has nothing to do with action wheel or platform.
Had the same 3 or 4 times on PC under different conditions. Once it just fixed itself, but ussually I had to relog to be able to use potions/abilities.