Disconections with RIP after

I really like playing Hardcore mode, but I don’t understand why you implemented it in this way in Diablo 4.
I just lost a character due to disconnection, but my character is stuck in the game. Why did you do that? This is absurd!!!
I’m not asking to resurrect my character or anything. Please review your character disconnect mechanics, or remove Hardcore mode from Diablo 4!!! Because this is not a mode, but mockery of players! Why you just dont do it like in Diablo 2? I dont wanna die every dissconect!!!

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Yep. I lost my level 90 necromancer last night. I uninstalled. I am done with this as***les of a company forever.


Do you know if “scroll of escape” work to avoid death after disconnection problem?

I have found them and i put in my inventory.
