why do i have to buy the expansion vessle of hatred when i bought the ultimate edition of D4 at launch, does the first expansion not come with the ultimate edition of the game. i payed £90 for the game at release now your asking almost the same price for an expansion which should be free under the ultimate purchase
Look at Dead lsland2 bought ultimate edition, and got 2 expansion for free at no extra cost
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All of this. Then add on its only 20 dollars if you buy the game with it. Almost every game gives DLC or season pass with the ultimate purchase. So new players get to pay the same as the original BASE GAME ONLY and get the dlc, but if you got ultimate, you’d have to have spent 130 dollars to get the game an expansion. If i got it today I would spend almost half of that.
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You can spend another 90 dollars for another ultimate edition.
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Great. So they listen and fix the game only to go out of their heads expecting another $100 on top of ultimate edition. Uninstall time. Was fun while it lasted…sort of. Our entire clan will be boycotting this. Anyone who actually pays for this DLC is the people’s enemy! In fact, I think it’s a good time to hang up the WoW sub after a decade of loyalty. Sick of this crap middle finger emoji
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Way should it be free? They never said anything a bout that, and you got extra stuff when you got the ult.
Yeah dont buy it ! its just another crap for this game 40 € for 1 new class (copy/paste/mix and boom new class) a little “story” (kid story btw “im a bad guy bouhouhou” “im a good guy im gona kill you !” yeah …) and a new zone with new fedex quest.
dont fall in this trap my friend !
While that is true, its more about praying on the good faith of the players. The DLC of a game that has had issues across the board in terms of progression, balance, and variety for the time its been out, is over half the price of the original game. And on top of that, they lowered the price of the game, to where now if i buy the dlc I’m essentially just buying the entire game again. For one class, four hours of story content, and one new area. Still no runewords or paladin. I just think that the game should feel fun and polished for longer than a month before they release a paid expansion, especially if they’re offering it for 20 dollars to new players.
They can do this to us every year and don’t give two ***** about it. So in essence we’re all paying a yearly subscription.
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just wait few weeks :=)
they will start bait ppl with free trials then prices go down … since i doubt they will have a solid player base …
game its bad atm … the only thing enjoyble its the lvling journey … have to give them points in that … its smooth and fast …when u get to end game … u struggle so much to gear up and spend a lot of hours trading and getting upgs … when u finaly can farm their damn pits ur allready boared of the game ^^
Yeah, I wish they’d go back to their roots. And shoot, maybe they will. I really do wish the game the best. I’d love to see Diablo be the game I fell in love with in the 90s. I’ve spent thousands of hours on D2, man. I loved that, the game was FUN. I just don’t feel that passion with this, it feels like… I don’t know, sloppy. Progression just doesn’t feel as fun or special. Running Baal to get gear a hundred times with the randos online all having a good time. Maybe we don’t need a copy pasta, but I really want a successor to what D2 was, and I hope D4 achieves that. Although I loathe the fact that I probably wont pay the money to see it there.
Blizzard have always been scum when it comes to price, they litterally made wow a subscription from the get go, they are the loot goblins in human form, cowering little money hungry grubs, it should be illegal for this to be a thing especially if you purchased the ultimate edition like myself, off topic abit but dead island 2 had a horrible launch but atleast anyone that bought the ultimate edition got the first season of dlc which is 7 in total i think, i like diablo but blizzard is just a bunch of hob goblins, sorta how south park potrayed thors dad
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i will never buy another blizzard product, they deserve having their products pirated lol
Lol hahaha what a bunch of crybabies
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I wouldn’t install that pos if they paid me.
Its a complete disgrace of a game. 10th of a story for 90 euro and now pay for the next batch of buggy lagged out rubbish.
You did know what you will get. It was so simple to not click buy and save some dollars. Long time ago i wrote about dlc is just a cash grab for a sheeps. And look sheeps did buy it and now complain. No armory for a second build to play on same character.recolor class so ppl would not notice is same content. So you did pay 40 dollars just for 1 new character . Who care about campaign that you will play only once or 2. I didn’t buy it and i can see from complains on forum and steam it was best decision i prefer to wait maybe i will buy it on 75% off 5 bucks max because this is what 1 new character can be worth.