Dragoon's Path (seasonal free item bundle) was only available for 7 days to claim?

Seriously Blizzard, why was this available to claim only for the short duration of 7 days? I just came back from a week of holidays, found out about this via a video from Rhykker, started up the game but it’s not in the shop anymore. Seems I missed out to claim it by about 6 hours… :frowning:

Can’t you keep a freebie like this running for at least 2 weeks, or even better for a month? The Midwinter Blight event runs until january 2nd, right? Why can’t the free goodie run equally long? They are both winter holiday themed. :frowning:

In future, please also make D4 news posts about such events like you do with the Amazon Prime gifts. Not everyone uses Twitter. Had you posted it on the Battle.Net D4 news section in time, I think I would actually have been able to claim it just before my holidays.

I’m seriously disappointed about missing out on this one as the mount armor and trophies look really good. :frowning:

Can you please add this back to the in-game shop until at least the Midwinter Blight event runs out? Or even better: until the end of Season 2 as I assume I won’t be the only person who missed out on it during the holidays.

One sad sanctuarian :frowning: