Enclave of Strife

Why in the name of Lillith and the seven hells isn’t Halls of Judgement, Enclave of Strife soloable? there isnt even a warning or tip saying you have to be in a party to complete it.

I have no trouble speeding through it, but as soon as you get to the gold/yellow and blue doors you are blocked. You need one player to stand on the gold pad to open the gold door, have your party member go through, have the party member stand on the blue pad on the other side of the doors to allow you to walk through the blue door. That is complete and utter BS, a huge middle finger to solo players. In my opinion it is on the same scale as the Diablo mobile fiasco.

I have been an avid Diablo player since the original Diablo and this is the biggest F* YOU SOLO PLAYERS from the devs I have had the displeasure of encountering.


Just reached the same point, what a FU ! Well done lets screw all solo players.


Just use the group finder to find random group.

It’s all the rage now with dev’s. Forcing you to play in the toxic environment of rando’s who’s only intent is to grief other players. I’m trying to decide if I want to put myself thru it, if it’s worth the effort or to just uninstall and move on.


You have to be kidding me. NO reason for this to be a stupid hard stop. Just the absolute worst design decision.


FYI - Group finder says no players available. Just perfect.

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So angry right now. Can’t progress without help, and nothing showing in the group finder… Literally 20+ years of straight fanboy love ruined. I don’t even understand why I can’t complete this dungeon. Such a huge slap in the face.

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I’ve just hit this.

I’ve played Diablo since the first game too. I always play solo - because that’s how I like to play.

When Diablo IV was announced, I was concerned that it might force party/team playing - but they said that all content in Diablo IV would be playable by solo players.

This is the biggest middle finger Blizzard could possibly give to solo players.


Came to express the same, this is a new level of stupidity.
This is just so frustratingly bad.


I believe there is a large likelihood of the developers are showing very limited ability to understand that there may be players that does not want to interact with other players. I suspect that intelligence may be the issue. Maybe there is a budgetary reason for not employing the most qualified developers?


So you entered a multiplayer raid that clearly states on the description 2-4 players, it shows you this when you do the quest leading up to it, you did all that and then ignored it and now you are angry at blizz for your stupidity and inability to read.


I think you helped make the point as to why some people want to play solo.


This is really disappointing :disappointed:… please Blizzard, make this kind of quests with a soloplay option. Tried several times with the group finder but there are NEVER any groups… Dont stuck people…

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If they would just let the Mercenaries auto-pilot to the other switch to let you through, this would be a no brainer.


Nowhere does it say for 2 players. When entering the citadel for the first time it says “new events available for 2-4 players”. why allow players to enter an area they cannot even play? Just a lazy and poorly thought out section.


I would love to play those dungeons, but not being able to do it solo is a dealbreaker. one of the reasons I always stop playing MMOs. Don’t like playing with random people. Really bad design decision in not saying that it’s only doable in a group. :frowning:

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WTF, they make the game solo friendly as hell then force you to make a team…


This is a huge load of crap. At least make it so you can park your merc on it…


Dude unless you can’t read proper English, all posts here state the inability for playing them SOLO, and not: “that you did all that and then ignored it and now you are angry at blizz for your stupidity and inability to read.”
Next time go get your English-reading-glasses and READ the posts properly instead of insulting others and making a fool out of yourself…

Forced group conted in a Diablo game is idiodic. We should at least be able to have our mercs help us. I will never do this because I dont want to play with other people.

“coop” in this game is just frantically trying to keep up with the other player, ignoring everything possible except loot, and its not fun. Couch co-op can be a lot of fun but we aren’t able to do that so…

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